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Afternoon,In the city

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In the city..

Second Person's POV

"H-Haru- Ah!"

"Stay put, sweetheart. Don't move too much."

"It won't fit.."

"It's okay, it will fit. Trust me, alright?"

"A-Ah! Not so rough!"

"I can't, can I? I gotta make it fit."

You huffed in exhaustion, gasping for air as Haruchiyo finally managed to zip up the dress you were trying on. You palms clamped on the wall of the changing room. He watched you in satisfaction.

"See? I told you it will fit!"

"Yes, but... It will show the shape of my body, won't it?"

"Better that way, don't you think? Or you want to try out other dresses?"

Haruchiyo wasn't forcing you to take the dress he chose. You didn't respond at first. You looked at your reflection in the mirror, observing your figure. You were fascinated by your current appearance. The dress looked naturally perfect on you. Haruchiyo had a fascinating taste in fashion.

"...you know what? I'm gonna take this dress. It looks great on me." You became confident to wear that dress, knowing that your boyfriend chose it for you. Haruchiyo grasped either side of your hip and kissed your cheek. "Of course it looks great on you. Because you are the one wearing it, my gorgeous wife."

Haruchiyo was overjoyed that you agreed on his choice. He kissed the top of your head lovingly. "Let's make the payment!"

You nodded your head before taking off the dress and hung it back on the hanger. Coming out of the changing room, both you and Haruchiyo slowly made way to the cashier counter.

"You sure this is the only dress you want? There are lots more here... You can buy as many as you want."

"Oh, no no no. That's unnecessary. I don't need many dresses. It isn't like I'm going to party everyday."

"But you can wear those dresses during other occasions."

You knew there was no room for you to argue with Haruchiyo whenever you both shopped. He always, always encouraged you to buy more stuffs for yourself. And because of his words of temptation, he never failed to convince you to buy countless things.

"Of course I love to do that. But we can buy more dresses next time, can't we? Our schedule is packed today after all." You reasoned. Haruchiyo nodded his head understandingly and smiled at you. "Okay. Let's do dress shopping again next time."

Arriving at the cashier counter, Haruchiyo pulled out his shiny black card and paid for the dress. The cashier appeared speechless as it was her first time seeing a real black card. "T...thanks for your purchase, Sir. Here is the dress." She handed over a bag containing your new dress. You happily took it from her hand.

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