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Meanwhile,Takara's residence,Nighttime

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Takara's residence,

Third Person's POV

"Young Miss, I'm back~"

Yukiji announced his return to his dearest young miss. Takara fixed her gaze on him, wearing the same menacing expression on her face. She was in total foul mood and nothing could recover her happiness.

Nothing except one.

Information about (Y/n).

"You better bring back good news only." Takara stressed her voice sternly, her face darkened with seriousness. Yukiji chuckled in amusement before placing down a brown folder on the table. Out of eagerness, Takara unsealed the folder and took out the contents.

Takara went through several sheets containing (Y/n)'s private information-- real name, age, birthday, previous occupation, possible criminal records and many more personal details of that Bonten personal assistant.

"Her real name is (Y/n) (L/n). Born on (Day and month of birth) 1988. She will turn 30 this year. Surprisingly, she is a former office worker of Shibusawa Holdings." Yukiji mentioned some of the basic details about (Y/n) whilst he ignited his cigarette.

"Shibusawa Holdings? The company that had its workers dead from explosions?"

"Yes, Young Miss. She is the sole survivor of that catastrophe. "

"You think she did that?"

"The possibility is negative. Before she work for Bonten, she was just a normal citizen. There is no way she could afford something as expensive...as bombs."

"Bullshit! How can it be like that? Obviously, she did this!"

"She had alibi, by the way. The cops even called her in to interrogate her but they found no evident on her being the perpetrator. Plus, she has no concrete criminal records."

"No criminal records at all? But she-"

"She killed people, I know. This means she is never caught for her crimes. Such a professional killer she is. Still, that can't prove she exploded that building."

"So...are you suggesting someone else did it for her?"

"Very much possible. Someone with easy access to weapons and explosives... I think you have someone in mind, Young Miss."

Takara felt chills ran down to her spine when a certain someone's face appeared in her mind. Yukiji just smiled calmly, waiting for her answer.

"Haru did it for her? For what?! They met each other only a few months ago and he willingly did such outrageous thing for that bitch instead of me?! I have known him much longer than she does!"

Takara smacked the tables, eyes burning with rage and envy. Yukiji shrugged his shoulders, not knowing how to answer her questions.

"Who knows. Considering this is Sanzu we are talking about, there is nothing we can predict from that guy. He has too much loose screws in his head. And judging from the way you described his relationship with our target... I can say, he is obsessed with her. They are obsessed with each other."

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