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Nearly midnight,After dinner ended

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Nearly midnight,
After dinner ended...

Second Person's POV

Most of the executives passed out after competing for their self-organized drinking contest. One bottle after another, they chugged down until they were fully drunken. Even Haruchiyo knocked himself out due to drinking alcohol too much. But Manjiro was exceptional. He felt sleepy so he hit the hay earlier than everyone else. He was already dozing off in the guest bedroom.

The rest of the executives? Haitani brothers were asleep on the floor with a blanket covering their bodies. Kanji passed out on a couch along with Hajime. Haruchiyo's spot was the most interesting-- he was sleeping on the kitchen counter. Kakucho still could his liquor and sipped on yet another glass of wine.

Takeomi was the only one who didn't touch any alcohol tonight.

"I'll be heading back to my place now."

"You shouldn't, Kakucho. Just sleep over here."

You didn't want to trouble himself driving all the way back to his house. You saw Kakucho yawning just now and it was concerning. What if he suddenly fall asleep while driving?

"Just sleep in the same room as Mikey. There is an extra futon in the closet." You generously offered. Kakucho nodded his head obediently, appreciating your generosity. "Thanks. Then, I will hit the hay now. Good night, (Y/n)."

"Good night!" You shouted -- though you tried to tone down your voice -- from the kitchen whilst washing the dishes. After drying your hand, you shifted your gaze at Haruchiyo. He was soundly asleep on the kitchen counter so you didn't have the heart to wake him up.

You walked to the living area next, inspecting other executives who were living in their Dreamland. You couldn't find Takeomi anywhere. "Take-nii?" You uttered his name as a way to find him. "In the veranda." You heard his voice from outside. Hence, you made your way to the veranda.

"Aren't you cold staying outside, Take-nii?"

"Not really. I actually feel the need to smoke."

You spotted the ignited cigarette between his fingers. He put out the cigarette after you approached him. He heaved out a sigh of worry, his eyes admiring the scenery of the developed country. "Things are gonna be difficult for us soon." He was concerned of the future.

"What do you mean?"

"Haru will be more wary of me from now on...after Boss accidentally "exposed" me earlier. Now that Haru know you have "found out" his true relationship with him, he will be more protective."

"Oh, fret not. I know the exact ways to handle Haru, Take-nii. I will talk things over with him about this matter soon."

"Please don't force him to accept me. He has his own reasons for cutting his tie with me...and giving me cold shoulder all the time."

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