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I drew that yesterday-- using reference of course

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I drew that yesterday-- using reference of course. Haru looks so cute!

Ameri's house,Nighttime

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Ameri's house,

(Y/n)'s POV

Ughh, I forgot I have to get rid of the body first before leaving. Lucky that I haven't taken a shower yet...

I casually picked up Miss Ameri's head and placed it inside a large duffle bag along with the rest of her limbs. The bag actually could fit an entire human body-- if the limbs were chopped off, of course. Miss Ameri must have prepared this beforehand since she probably planned to get rid of my dead body in case she successfully kill me.

Look who is staying inside the duffle bag instead. I bet she is meeting Kira-chan right now.

I hummed my favourite song as I cleaned around the room to get rid of the scent of blood and most importantly, the blood stain on the wall and floor. It would be difficult and time-consuming but I had to tough it out. I couldn't risk getting caught by cops.

My stomach suddenly started making noisy growling noise, indicating I was hungry. I rubbed my tummy in sadness. I was currently hungry but I couldn't leave until I finish my job here.

"Bear with it, (Y/n). Just a little more and then you can go eat." I tried to motivate myself to continue working, cleaning the bloody crime scene. I distracted my mind by humming my favourite songs again.

As I was cleaning the room, I heard car engine outside the house. The realization made me wary and I immediately keep up my guard. I slowly picked up a knife and made my way to the door entrance.

Before I could resort to action, the door was kicked down by a man. My eyes lit up with joy the moment I realized it was my pretty Haru- my future husband!

"Haruuuu!!" I cheered his name joyfully, feeling happy to meet him again. God, I missed him a lot. I hadn't seen him all day since I was kidnapped. He rushed to my side before hugging me tightly.

"My love! Are you alright?! Your clothes are soaked in blood!" Haru was panicking upon seeing my condition. "Hey, hey, chill. It's not my blood." I reassured, cupping his cheeks gently. I grazed my fingers against his beautiful face.

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