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Second Person's POV

Three years flew by in the blink of an eye since you started a family with your soulmate, Haruchiyo. Everything had gone smoothly. Your family life, your work life, your dangerous life.

Hiroyuki recently turned three years old. He was very chatty and talkative. However, there were some traits of his...that made him special than normal kids.

Hiroyuki was a visual learner. A genius. A special child.

He already grasped the truth behind your job and Haruchiyo's job at such tender age yet showed no sign of terror. He saw the gun collection in the house, he acknowledged the danger of the weapons. Sometime, Haruchiyo even cleaned his katana in front of his son.

But this boy found it fascinating instead.

Hiroyuki was a special child born with unimaginable abnormalities that people couldn't fathom with common sense but you and Haruchiyo loved him dearly like most normal parents do with their own children.

After all, Hiroyuki Sanzu/Akashi was the proof of your love with Haruchiyo.

"Mama! Mama! Skullcraper!" Hiroyuki pointed to a tall building with shiny eyes. You chortled at his wrong pronunciation, "It's skyscraper, sweetie."


"Sky-scraper, sweetie. Sky-scraper."


"Great! Great! You got it right!"


"Good job, Hiro!"

You were proud of his efforts to pronounce the word properly. You drove inside a building -- Bonten Headquarters and stopped the car engine from running. Unclasping your seatbelt, you grabbed your handbag which was situated in the backseat. You then unfasten Hiroyuki's seatbelt before cradling him in your arms.

Getting out of the luxurious car, you locked the car with the car key. Hiroyuki wouldn't stop eyeing around the new place he just arrived. He was excited because today was his first day visiting his parents' workplace!

Hiroyuki had been throwing tantrums lately everytime you and Haruchiyo had to leave him with his nanny. It progressively got worse to the point Hiroyuki "accidentally" threw a knife at his nanny to get both of his parents' attention.

So to ensure the safety of the nanny, you and Haruchiyo decided to dismiss her from the babysitting job. But Haruchiyo ended up feeding the nanny to the fish in the sea right after she was dismissed from her work. Of course you were told of the truth but you could care less of the nanny's life. It wasn't like you had emotionally bonded with the nanny.

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