Wə Nėëd Ţø Tåłk

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"I found him. Thanks again Claire." "No prob... take care." With that, the phone hangs up. It's been the 5th time that month, since Douxie kept going to Betty's Bar. And frankly, Jim's getting fed up by it. Dragging him out and bringing him home can't be a regular constant routine/thing. It needed to stop. Having to see the wizard's flustered face while in a dizzy state wasn't a pleasing sight to look at. One of these days he's going to hurt himself. And so, that's how Jim found himself in the kitchen -- with the wizard who had a half covered body, that was dripping wet on the tile floor...


It's always so crowded in here, Jeez.

Fishing out his phone from his pocket, he clicks on the contact that was labelled:


He presses it close to his ear so he can hear her clearly from the loud music hammering his eardrums. Keeping an eye on his lover that sat at the bar on a high stool, two rings went by before she picks up.

"Hey, uh, Claire. I found him," he speaks to the woman on the other side of the phone. A relieved sigh is heard coming through it. "Good. Is he with her-"

"Yep." He cuts her off with a clenched jaw, already knowing the question by heart now. "Thanks again Claire." His voiced laced with gratefulness towards the fair lady.

"No prob... Take care." And with that, the phone hangs up. Signaling it with a short beep.

Walking through series of people, frown revealed, keeping an eye on his target, he knows he has to do something about this reckless of the other male. This has to be the last time, he promised himself.

It just has to.

With each step, his knuckles go white from gripping the phone too tightly in his hand.

Reaching the raven head as another person walks by him, he taps a finger at the back turned to him. The male turns around and there he is. Non other than Douxie himself. But, with a tipsy on the side.

"Jim?..." he askes with a flushed face. He looked slightly drunk at this point. A shift of pink moves next to the blue-haired male. And Jim internally curses himself for making eye contact with the pink-haired hedge-wizard. She didn't look as bad as Douxie did, but that didn't matter, did it?

Just imagine this time around what they had been doing together. The questions were on the tip of his tongue, ready to accuse her of letting him consume so much of the blasted drink. Jim had wanted answers, but doubted the pink-head would comply. Besides, he had other pressing matters at hand. The tipsy male stood up and flung his arms around his frowning lover. Almost toppling over in the process.

The younger, out of the two grown men, always hated how the wizard was so much taller. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he shifts from the hug and moves around so he was holding one arm of the taller around his neck while wrapping his own hand on his waist, keeping him as steady as possible. Before leaving though, he shoots a glare at the woman, trying to keep himself from rolling his eyes as he turns and walks out of the filthy crowded bar.

Causing a scene wouldn't be the best option.


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