Ā [øvë®'§ Dē@†h

34 1 3

If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely,
If you're leaving baby let me down slowly...

=== === === === ===

Everyone looked at one another, had they really just beaten the Titan Bellroc controlled? Was that really the ending of the war between humans, aliens and magical beings? 

In the midst of everyone crowding around, Jim's blue eyes met hazel. The trollhunter did a fast-paced walking, then full on sprinting to the other. Just before battle, it was a bit of a rushed surprise, when Jim confessed to the wizard and when he found out that the feeling was mutual and reciprocated he couldn't resist on notifying every one else.

He'd felt on top of the world, like he could conquer every and anything after that, and it didn't make it any better when Douxie had promised, for the second time that day, that he'd take the other out for a date. 

Neither couldn't wait for their time. When they could happily be together with the world at a silent peace and the weight of everything lighten off their young shoulders.

Quickly tears were already streaming down his flushed face. His heart pounding alongside his feet and heavy breathing. They had both survived the ordeal and Jim couldn't be happier at the sight of Douxie, smiling at him, hands being held out as he walked to meet the other. Jim couldn't understand how they even possibly ended up on completely different positions of the battle field.

But when the slightly lava rubble behind the wizard started moving back and forth, a hand coming through the dark spaces, Jim had gasped and tried to desperately warn him, "Douxie, behind you!" His heart began pounding in his ears as the dismantled figure stood up in a crooked position. And the unsuspecting wizard was still oblivious to it all that he hadn't even heard the trollhunter yelling. Nor the disaster that planned to attack from behind.

He'd call Claire, but everyone else was so far behind him when he sprinted away from the group which was still overjoyed by their victory and survival. It was up to him but he so out of reach. So far when he had felt near at the start. He held out his hand as he yelled again, "Please, look behind you!" His hands had dropped to his side as he gave Jim a confused look, head tilting to the side a little. Sometimes, Jim could really did feel irritated at the other for his obliviousness. 

But already it was too late: when he neared Douxie, when Bellroc rose up her weapon, when a shock of blue went pass Douxie's eyes as Bellroc lowered and stabbed him, it was all too late as Jim alighted the amulet, summoning his sword. He stood and watched as the awoken enemy slid to the ground, turned to ashes and blowing away in the wind.

He'd caught Douxie just before he could fall flat to the floor. But his weight had Jim have to slowly lower him downward. He was too late...

He cried even harder when he saw how distant the wizard's eyes looked, "Jim," he barely even heard his name being called, eyes being clouded by flowing tears, lips quivering he said (well, managed to say) "You promised," somehow he managed to look up at the trollhunter with regret swimming in his eyes.


He was too late

"I know,"


Jim cried even more at a realization, ''You've lost so much already Doux. I thought I could at least bring back every one else but- but you keep losing and never gaining. Why can't this time be different, why can't you just let me be selfish for once?'' Douxie managed what little strength he had and grabbed Jim's wrist, ''Y'kn- you know that's not true. I found you today-''

''But is that enough?" Not hesitating. ''That's more than enough... so please, don't go meddling with time. Am happy right here right now...'' by then everyone was starting to near the two. Blinking away the water swimming in his eyes, he looked back at Douxie and couldn't love another like him.

As he leaned down and kissed his lips. It felt like everything Jim wanted but wasn't allowed to have. Everything felt right like this, slow and peaceful moment between the two. The circumstance wished to be altered. Pulling away, Jim couldn't help but smile along with the other who had a smug grin displayed upon his face, eyes closed as he tried reopening them. 

He was too late

He gave a small chuckle before they died on his very lips, smile uncurling as his last words hushed were, ''I love you Jim...'' tears burnt at the back of his eyes, a lump formed in his throat. ''I'll always love you Douxie...'' but he held them back as Douxie's eyes closed in a most soothing rhythm and he was swept into oblivion peacefully, while on lookers looked and surrounded the two in a sad silence, when Jim held the boy, clutched in his arms as if he'd soon too die if he even thought about letting go for even a second...

...he was too late...

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