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Douxie goes with the decision of choosing the one rule in any horror movie.

#movie rules suck


Only when the group had split apart had the place began to get quiet with the minimal sound of their stepping feet on dew grass and the usual cricket chirps that Douxie heard. 

He and Jim had been walking for a while now in the semi-dark forest, trying to locate this undiscovered creature that had soundlessly attacked their group. As the Master Wizard looks at the boy trudging next to him he smiles in that side way way he does and watches as the other has his eyes searching the shadows among green trees. 

He spots an odd leaf in the trollhunter's hair but he dismisses his idea to pluck it out when the shorter suddenly stops. Spinning a head from left to right, he asks the once apprentice, ''Did you hear that?'' his feet already stopping in his tracks, searches the trees with his hazel eyes, listening out keenly only to see nor hear anything. The taller shrugged before soon feeling cold straps wrap around his very feet, tugging, tripping him as he went down with an oof

Slowly sitting up, Jim is by his side within seconds, bombarding him with concerned questions as Douxie tries to spot the enemy in the dark. ''Douxie, are you ok?'' Looking up into those blue eyes he slowly nods his head as Jim calmly and cautiously tries to lift him onto his feet. Only after a minute did Jim let go of him when he felt that the taller could walk on his own. Suddenly an idea pops up into the head of the wise wizard. ''Jim, what if we take the right, y'know just like in the horror movies. Maybe we could find the thing faster,''

Douxie then stopped and turned when he no longer heard the light footsteps behind him move any more further alongside him. Jim folded his arms at his chest, raising a brow at the other. ''Really? You've been watching horror movies now?"' Doux simply shrugs for the second time that troubling night and they find themselves taking that darned right that Hisirdoux thought was an idea suitable in this real life shituation. 

A few minutes into the walk, Douxie reaches up to tap Jim on the shoulder, making him stop and Douxie casually tilts his head up with a finger underneath his chin and swiftly removes the leaf from out of his mussy head of hair. 

It would bother him if he hadn't done it sooner. 

All while during this Jim is in a flustered state, which Douxie is completely oblivious to as he returns to walking in their current direction. Deciding not to ponder too much on it, he simply walks a bit slower behind the other, still in shock at what happened. Something then jumps from the bushes and surprises them both as it starts to attack. Douxie casts a few spells, but when Jim decides to step in, he also trips on his feet, knocking the very air from within his lungs. But when he gains control to sit up, holding on to his now pounding head he then sees the older man laying on the floor, seemingly unconsciously. That grabs unto his attention as the creature is now gone. Quickly rushing over he checks for his breathing. 

"Douxie?'' he tried to shake the other awake. But no sign nor understanding or response came from the last wizard. Jim could already feel tears prick the corner of his eyes, his initial concern turned to fear. Slowly he searches for  a pulse, and finally finds it. Beating at a normal rate. Jim gasps as Douxie shots up gathering back oxygen into his knocked out lungs. Jim steadied him into his arms and chest. 

Trying to give him as much comfort as possible. 

''Hey you're ok now.'' he tries to soothe the worried look he gives him. Moving a strand of blue hair from his face, Jim smiles at the wizard he thought he was going to lose. ''What?'' those hazel eyes stare back at him, asking. Jim chuckled before answering, ''We are never listening to any ideas you get from a horror movie.'' Douxie hums a laugh too, ''Fair enough,'' came his response. Blue meets hazel eyes glistening in the moonlight. And with the thought that he wasn't going to see the blue dyed hair male again, an urge to kiss him comes over, so he ends up doing it, no warning for the other. But what surprised Jim was those lips kissing him back just as eagerly. 

Douxie slowly pulls away and smiles up at Jim.

"At Least something good came from it- ow!"

Jim jokingly punches Douxie. Smiling at his statement.

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