¶@®tⁿ€r$, P3rf£¢t, ¶å¡π- part ²

17 1 10

As requested by ExplosiveBiatch, this one's for you!


Jim was... confused? No, that's too much of an understatement.

Yes, he was, but that wasn't the entire story.

So go back to when it started.


They were on a hunt, which involved having to walk through a large forestry area, to locate the cave they had to search through. It was a quick hunt they wanted to finish since it had interrupted their little family dinner that Jim had scheduled. And they all had to leave their half eaten plate and engaging converse when Blinky announced the alerting news.

So, it was a few and couple of annoying goblins that had been terrorising the near neighborhood and this was where they retreated back to. Blinky had said there was a debate of there being some anomalous behaviour around the area... There wasn't much info to it, but they needed to look into it either way.

Upon reaching the entrance of the cave, Claire, Toby, Jim and Douxie walked in a single file as silent as they could. But all had stopped when they noticed they were out of any source of light.

"Anyone by any miracle brought a flashlight?" They all sighed at Toby's obvious question.

The wizard had then said to them he had an idea and cupped his hands to his face, breathing out slowly and looking back in his palm to a little bright blue glow floating within his hands. Coming up to Claire, she held out her hand and held the little light delicately. "Thanks teach," having source to see now, she went ahead to investigate the rest of the cave.

Toby was next, and he held the light excitedly as he went of with Claire. Blue light disappearing as he bent the corner.

Douxie came up to Jim and blew in his hand again. Light sparkling in his hands again. This was one basic spell he had learned ages ago but rarely used. It wasn't too florid looking just simple. Jim gingerly reached out as the wizard put down the light in his hands. And Jim could feel the magic playing on his fingers and floating slowly. He stared in amazement and went to open his hands further to inspect it more only to have it completely vanish from his hand in a small mist.

"Here," Douxie had laughed a little as he demonstrated another and brought it to Jim's hands. "You have to keep your hands closer or it'll burn out, okay?"

Jim nodded as he looked at the bright diminutive light again and then looked up at Douxie. He could see the smile gracing the wizard's face and something in Jim flipped and his face was quickly heating. He quickly turned away, pacing to his friends and hoped that he was not caught blushing at Douxie.

Even as they completed the hunt successfully and were safe at home, Jim replayed that moment a little too much in his head. And further on in the night he kept glancing back at the dark haired boy and glanced away as swiftly once he saw hazel eyes making contact with his.

And his heart pounded, every time...


Now, Jim knew that there might be a couple reasons behind this, but one stuck out and he didn't want it to be.

Because, for Christ sake he had a girlfriend. And if any one asked, she was amazing, fantastic even. Everything the trollhunter could hope for. So, no... There was no possible way that... that he was attracted to Douxie. And if he tried to even make sense of the feelings inside his head it was too ineffable.

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