Īm. Ñøť. Đėçəňţ- ¶ā®t ²

78 3 2


"Bye kiddo,"

"Bye Mom."

With that, the door shut close. Standing up from the dining table, Jim went ahead and set his plate in the sink. Then decided on taking a quick shower while his Mother was out. Figuring it was a good idea, he walked up to his room and quickly stripped from his clothes as he headed to the bathroom.

He tried to not think too much on it, the passing away of his significant other and even so on the promise that was made. If a small thought of it came up he'd tried to swallow down the sadness that always tried crawling and creeping its way up to his fragile heart. He couldn't take it: having to fake smiles, playing off that he's alright, holding back anger that he just wanted to let out at anyone and everyone that mentioned the wizard he still loved...

He went through all of it during a whole month and wasn't hoping to recover from it any time soon. Advices and words of comfort were thrown at him but he never really took it in. And just passed it on as a regular everday thing- as if it didn't matter. Officially being able to block them out. The pity and sympathetic looks they gave him was driving him crazy, they looked at him as if he were broken and would soon be mended, but Jim would never see it that way. Douxie was gone, what good was suppose to come after that. A promise was made to him but there was no sign of it being kept. And he finally understood that every promise must be broken, one way or the other.

Entering the bathroom, he began to stand under the running water, letting the stress fall free and relief come taking over from the water running down his tired, tired skin. Finishing up he began to slowly dry himself off. But then suddenly stopped when the light had momentarily went out then came back. He thought nothing of it and simply shrugged it off.

Electricity goes and comes again, every now and then. It's a simple occurrence in homes. Nothing to worry about.

A sudden shock of bright blue had flashed before his eyes in a milli-second, still long enough for him to see it. With that came a gush of wind, which was confusing since there was no near-by source for that much air to come through or none that he knows of.

Thinking it's getting weird each passing second he thought of leaving the bathroom. Grabbing unto the shower curtain to pull it away he got stopped by a voice: one he never thought to hear again.

"Oh right, sorry, forgot to knock..."

His heart began racing, head spinning, body frozen, yet with it all he managed to squeak out: "...D-Doux.."


His entire body was trembling. But his fist was still held up in the long material. No- it couldn't be- it can't be- he saw him, he knew he saw him die. Right before his very eyes! But- Douxie! He's here! That voice! His mind kept blaring. And he shook his head to rid the thoughts that could all just be wishful thinking or hallucinations. That wouldn't be a good sign if he's gone in that far.

He took in a long, shuddering breath. Trying to keep steady as he slightly pulled away the curtain, careful to only let his face into view.

And he gasped.

Knees almost giving away under him.

And he stared wide eyed and disbelieving.

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