BëgïΠñīⁿg§ & £ndīñg$

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Douxie and Jim had a talk before going out to war with the titans. It was the happiest for the both of them. A new turn. But as battle and war began, that turn went a far west. Directly leading to a sudden death. That Jim is left to blame no one, but himself...

★★★ ★★★

He had been messing around with spellcaster when Jim walked into the living room. The wizard noticed his presence and looked up shooting a warm smile before looking back down at his guitar in hand. Jim had returned the gesture and he felt nervousness rising when the blue dyed hair male looked away from him. 

The boy simply stood there watching Douxie play the cords with ease. He was sitting cross legged in the sofa, smiling like a dork with the music that filled both the boys ears. Jim made to sit on the far, far side of the sofa and only looked back at the older when he heard humming sounds.

Jim couldn't possibly wrap it up in his head at how such a male could look so handsome just sitting and playing music. Even if he were doing nothing he still looked glorious doing that too.

Through it all, Jim hadn't noticed that he had been staring a little too long now, a small smile that had unconciously sat upon his face until Douxie made eye contact with the younger teen. Jim immediately turned away, his nervousness picking up again, as he cursed himself internally. His fingers fidgeting a bit. 

He kenw the older still had an eye on him. What he heard next was a swish of wind and shuffling next to him, then that british voice, ''Is something bothering you Jim?'' ofcourse it was filled with concern, what more could you expect from a guy like Douxie. 

He sighed before turning to now see that spellcaster was now gone and Douxie had clasped his hand in his lap. All attention on the trollhunter. He gulped, ''Well...'' just say it, his mind uttered. Douxie came closer and Jim's face got hotter or was it the room. He couldnt tell. So trying to instead calm his nerves he started up again. Looking into his lap with figedting fingers.

''I-I guess I've been meaning to talk to you and-''

''You can talk with me any time Jim. I mean, am always free- er - well probably after the battle with the titans...'' he trailed off when Jim gave him a look, you could say threatning but Jim's personality just made it look cute. Douxie laughed with an apology giving Jim the floor again. He stared into those kind hazel eyes and- shit, why was it so hard. He had it on the tip of his tongue so why couldn't he say it. He couldn't take it anymore it was now or never, there was no backing out now.

''I-I like you! Alot Douxie. More then I thought possible. And it's stupid I know but I do m-maybe even more and shit I shoudn't have said anything am sure you don't even feel the same am sorry I-'' 

''Jim. Jim, stop.'' Jim glanced up at him, not knowing how to read his expression. His heart raced and he didn't know what to do.

It got a bit overwhelming so he started to get up, ''I'm sorry,'' but was held back by something that caught his wrist. He looked at the slim hand then at Douxie who gave a silent smile. Deciding that that was out there now, he might as well live through the rest of it. So he went back to his original position on the sofa. He didn't know why the older still held his hand but he never questioned it, kept his eyes downward. He felt so ashamed to be in his presence.

"Look I-" he pauses letting go of Jim's hand, combing a hand through his hair confused by the whole shituation. Jim peeks over at him seeing the frown on his face, hand still in hair. He hates that he had caused this. He waited for the silence to go away internally screaming for the other to atleast say something. "Jim,'' he starts, sighing, moving his hands around as he speaks. ''I like you too- ugh- what am I saying'' Douxie grabs his face, upset and stressed, he certainly didn't like this surprising bomb. And that crushed Jim's heart as he streams out apologies again, tears burning at his eyes. 

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