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You didn't realize he was missing?


He lowers his staff steadily, making the old yet handy ship soar downward fanning a few clouds out of the way before he can see land again and upholds the staff in its original upright position. Slightly, he leans for the right seeing the numerous trees slowing passing by his vision. Only when he spots a small yet large rock, does he slowly make it down for a safe descend.

Feeling that the ship has touched solid ground he removes his staff from the ships hold, sending it into his brace and walks over to the ships railing.

Slowly, he makes his way toward the familiar forest. High above him the moon shines, giving the wizard light as patches of the trees shadows fills out on the dew grass. Amongst the sounds of the occasional wind, insects chirping in nearby bushes, his own feet stepping on dry fallen leaves, he hears the slight sound of a snap.

So thinking he stepped on an unsighted twig he simply steps back to check the damage only to find that nothing was beneath his very feet. Lifting his head back up, he turns to look behind him. Only nothing was there either. Deciding to not let the small distraction ponder too long he proceeds on.

Nearing some bushes up ahead he kneels to there height before checking that the clearing was void of any monsters. Douxie wouldn't call himself paranoid, but when he looked back thinking someone was watching him, he thought he'd drive himself mad. So he parted the bushes, making his way as he walked onto the grassy clearing. He stopped, admiring the cliff. Now it was just plain grass, quiet, and the moon gave just as much light it could provide for the wizard.

Right up ahead was a cliff. The last he was here he'd sat only for a while before heading back with his familiar. Only he is alone this time and he'd decide to stay a little longer. Walking up ahead he sat right of the edge of the cliff, feet dangling as he swung them back and forth.

He knew it was a very much deep fall but couldn't care less since he wasn't even all that clumsy. He knew Archie would beg to differ though. But on a serious note, it was reported multiple times that people have died fatally just by taking pics or taking a misstep. Now it was closed off to the public and left abandoned and untouched. Maybe an occasional teen passing through and scaring friends but no has died again since. It just so happened he and Archie even found the place.

Douxie leaned on the backs of his arms as he gazed up to see the stars.

He sighed feeling content with the sight, the last few weeks have been hectic. And he can only be so grateful for these small moments. Suddenly from behind he heard tapping, they were light yet quick, he thought it was just some harmless forest creature. But couldn't completely shrug it off when those stepping came even faster and closer a heavy panting followed with it. So at the correct timing, Douxie rolled on the grass from out of the way only to look back and see two hands hanging desperately from the cliff. A deep groan could be heard.

Standing tall yet at a safe distance, and peeking over ever so slightly, he saw the look of an old man, and within his hand he held a knife. Douxie smoothly kicked it off the cliff. The man kept grunting and giving the wizard hard and hating looks. Tucking his hands in his sweater he asked, ''What was that all about, mate? 'Cause clearly I don't think it turned out so well,'' grabbing the cliff with his little strength he spat, ''None of your business, kid!" He groaned with a panicked face as his hand slipped a little, it dug into the graveling dirt.

Douxie sensing his distress simply asked, ''Do you want help or-'' but the helpless man interrupted, ''No, now that we've got your boyfriend-''

''We-'' but that wasn't really what caught the raven heads attention, ''Wait, boyfriend?'' the man's face had written regret as if he wasn't to say anything- which was damage already done- but then he rose a brow in question, "You mean- you didn't realize your boyfriend was missing?'' By the looks of it, he did seem honest. Lowering himself to his height, the Casperan gave the man a threatening look, because when it came to Jim, words were meaningless to his own ears.

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