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21 1 0

A heather one-shot.
Prom was coming up and Jim had no one to go with, he would have but the person he wanted to ask got asked out already. Krel succeeded in asking out Douxie. The older had reluctantly agreed as he had had other wishes to ask out someone else. Jim was caught in the web (God knows why) of telling the details of his prom date, right off the bat disagreeing with the proposal Douxie had in mind. The night had came and Jim already knew his place: on the bleachers. He then learned of Douxie's incident and then he smoothly took Jim for the night. Jim's longing wish had finally come true and a sad bystander had unfortunately witnessed the scene too.


He sighed for the tenth time that day. Leaning on his locker and staring shamelessly at his crush that was no doubt getting asked out by Krel. The blue dyed hair boy stood against his locker with one foot pressed against it and every now and then rubbing his neck like a dork as he spoke with the other dark skinned boy. His hazel eyes so happy as he looked at the shorter male.

While Jim had just carelessly pressed his shoulder against his locker, glasses sitting perfectly on his face making him seem like a nerd. When he really takes a look on his life, he'd ask himself as to why anyone could ever like someone like him. Why would they be interested? Why would they care? He wasn't that pretty... He does know how to answer those. It would all be because it was a practical joke, probably a bet, just to use you for their own idea of fun. He could just as vividly remember one of those many times...

He hurriedly shakes the disturbing thoughts away as Claire comes into blocking his view. He pushes his glasses upward while having his hand secured around his books that were needed for his next class. ''Am I interrupting something?'' she asks with a knowing smile. ''Yes, actually,'' he answers without hesitation. Claire simply looks behind herself, and turning back around satisfied with the sight of Douxie.

''So,'' she starts off, pushing her hair behind her ear,''You gonna ask him out?'' Jim sighs, he doesn't need to think it over to give an answer, he had already made his decision. ''You know the answer Claire.'' She groans with a roll of her eyes and asks why. He laughs at her childish behaviour and gave a shrug. She opens her mouth to say something but Jim holds up his palm in front of her face to stop her.

''Listen, Claire,'' he brings his hand back down hanging on to his books, ''Maybe you didn't notice, but I don't think Douxie would even be into me or moreover be okay with the idea to go to prom with me.''


''No buts.'' He swings his head to the left to look behind her, only to find that Douxie and Krel had been long gone and the hallways were now starting to clear up. ''Besides, someone might've asked him out already,'' he made a small sad hum at that then completely freezes when someone had asked. ''Asked who out?'' he prays to god for that not to be the same scent, same British voice and that shade of blue he sees at the corner of his eyes. ''I-its no one Doux.'' he clears his throat as he looks at the other.

Stop stuttering you idiot, you and him talk everyday.

''Oh yeah?'' Douxie teases, narrowing his eyes at the boy. Jim gave a nod of his head. ''You're lying,'' he looks over to Claire, ''He's lying isn't he?''

''Yup.'' She answers not missing a beat. Jim gave her a death glare but Claire had ignored it 'cause they both knew Jim couldn't do a thing about it, damage was already done... He looks back at Douxie who had immediately covered his face with a smile from an expression Jim couldn't put his finger on. Yet it caused an unease to the boy's gut. ''Ah, so who's the lucky guy?'' But just then Jim got interrupted as he was about to answer and Jim couldn't be more embarrassed by Claire. ''He's an oblivious one, just saying.'' Jim waits for wat Douxie might say to that. ''Ok so you wanna ask some one to prom, but think they already got asked out right?"

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