₱R¡π¢€ & the M@ⁿBuⁿ

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A spell goes wrong and Douxie plays the effect of it. Claire's first instinct was to hed to Jim. By who is which confused as to how to solve the problem. In the end, he's forced to make a decision. As a result, Douxie is back to his normal self. Though the two boys were too afraid to face the truth of how exactly the spell became undone. Claire didn't hesitate nor holdback to spilling the obvious answers. And the two boys couldn't be in a much embarrassing incident.


It was easy enough right? To do a a level one basic spell for shadowmacy. Sure, Douxie is a good enough and solid teacher, but what does that say for Claire? (Who loves it when the wizard complains over the compliment, but he'd get flustered either way), Does that make her a good enough student? Did Douxie really mean all those praises he keeps giving her after all those spells she completed and did really well on? Ofcousre she'd take the credit but made sure Douxie knew he helped out too. But for some reason and an odd one at that, this one lesson took a turn for the worse. Or did it...

"Just take deep breaths- stretch your hands out further," the wizard instructs the young Nunez while putting out her arms at the correct length and position. Claire did as was told and took deep inhales.

For this training day, she wanted to do something different just incase another threat had come in occurance. Y'know the whole ending of the world type of thing. It was to try to weaken an enemy, causing them from starting up any tactic for the heroes. It was temporary but still effective nevertheless. "Lets try on the tree first." He directed ahead of them in the backyard of the Lakes house. Claire smiled at the tree infront of them. "Great positioning Claire- er- why are you smiling like that?" The wizard cringed at Claire's widely creepy expression. ''Oh come on teach, is it wrong to smile now?''

Douxie hesitated, "Well-'' he got interrupted, ''I'd like to continue if it's all the same Douxie," she smiles innocently up at the master wizard. He ofcourse knew something was up but with a sigh he released his stare and decided not to ponder on it for now. Making time for it for later though. And oh boy was he in for a treat... unexpectedly ofcourse.

''Just say the words like I told you to and let go of the spell. Got it?''

The fair lady gave a nod of her head. That was Douxie's cue to step back incase of any- ehem- accidents. The teen clears her throat. ''Frongus ponus,'' her sweet voice uttered. Douxie gave a confused face as he stepped toward the girl, "Wait- but Claire, that wasn't what was practised- gah--

His sentence is immediately cut short as he vanished from thin air. Claire looked around for the ex apprentice. No sight of him until she caught in the distant a blue shade of mist. Walking toward it she lowered her gaze down to the blue creature. Gasping at the sight. ''Uh, teach?''

Inside the lakes house

"Didn't think you'd actually go for it," Jim blushed and started stuttering at this, "Uh... well, what? You said kiss-"

"I never said where..."

The fair lady had ventured into Jim's room while he was busy reading. Jim was completely and understandingly puzzled by the sight of the blue frog, oddly familiar shade of blue, that the other had in hand. She explained that she did a spell gone wrong, saying that she needed help. He gave the most bewildered face.

It wouldn't have included Claire's absurd idea of giving the reptil- Douxie a kiss if the wizard had not been in this position so he could help with any reverse spell or even an antidote. But unfortunately, the universe fucked with that idea. And here they are.

When they both stole a glance back toward the blue creature it had then been fogged up into a blue mist. The two stared in shock as the frog grew bigger enough until they could see- "Douxie-" with all the mist gone now the older was more visible. He looked to be sleeping but thankfully not injured. They both sighed in relief, happy that that worked-

He spun to meet Claire's eyes with his own wide. "You were saying?" She smirked satisfied at the sight of Jim's mouth mimicking a fish. Yep, he was definitely speechless. With a finger on her chin, she gives a thoughtful look. "Whatever shall we name this one. Oo- how about the prince and the man-bun. Hm Jim, do-" they set there eyes back down again when they heard a grunt. "Oh wait, thank buckets, it was just a dream." The British voice swam through the air. From all this Jim was at lost for words, feeling every emotion within his bones fumbling around.

Claire was simply enjoying what was prepared by and for her. "Hey! Look, see he's awake." Caught off guard to even hear anyone else Douxie suddenly got into battle mode, sitting up then standing up a little too fast and came crashing down but lucky for him, Jim caught him just in time.

As both boys were in an awkward position with Jim holding the waist and shoulder of the slumped boy while he himself was, face flushed holding onto his pounding head. Their face in close proximity, face flushed, body frozen- well, was until they heard the oddest squeak. Only looking to find Claire with the most beaming smile. So not appropriate for the moment. That's only when they untangle themselves from each other, the tension and awkwardness becoming unbearable like the blush dusting their cheeks. But Douxie broke the ice despite the situation that had happened seconds ago.

"Uh... Claire, Jim what happened?"

Afraid to even move an inch of his tongue Jim decided to keep quiet. Although making that decision for Claire to speak instead was the worst idea ever made.

''Well uh, lets see. Long story short you were turned into a frog and Jim broke the spell so your human again.''

The place went silent again. The trollhunter mentally and internally begging for them to speak again. Wait... what was he saying? Claire was literally gonna spill out everything that happened.

But he couldn't utter a single word. ''Hah.. sorry what?'' he asked incredulously. Here comes the plot twist. Oh he wished he didn't have to live through this. ''Ok, when we were practising outside I had accidentally hit you with a spell that got you turned into a blue frog I came to Jim for help and he ended up kissing you to break the spell.'' She giggled at the last part. It was the mere fact that he understood every word she said. Figuring he had just come from a small hiccup. Douxie then looked at Jim. ''Is this true?''

The boy had closed his eyes during Claire's rambling as if he was bracing himself for impact, only opening them as Douxie's attention was on him. ''Uh... yes,'' he admitted blushing like a tomato. That explained the linger he felt on his lips once he was human again.

''Oh,'' the wizard only replied with as he thought about the dream that felt as awfully familiar and similar to what Claire had explained earlier. And Jim felt his face furrow in disappointment at Douxie's reply. But then Claire spoke, ''So well uh- you guys thinking about going on a date-'' Jim got upset at this ''Claire seriously he just woke up-'' but then he too got interrupted, ''Well I'm for it if you are, well it's not like you have to or anything-'' Jim smiles down at the boy before him and quickly shuts up his blabbering ass, ''Actually, yeah, I am down.'' Douxie smiled warmly at him not knowing how long they were staring until Claire broke out in another squeal causing the two boys to groan but smile anyway.

1hr later

The wizard left after discussing the time and place with Jim. ''You planned out this whole prince and frog thing didn't you?"

"Come on! Can you blame me? Now look you have a date with the man bun."

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