T®uth ¢•më$ t∅ lîght

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Douxie keeps blacking out only to wake up and find himself having a mysterious injury. This keeps occurring until Jim notices the bruises, small at first then bigger by days. He thought Douxie was hurting himself deliberately. So now they have a talk, shining light to some questions, as Jim helps the out the wizard.


Taking down something from the cupboard he huffs upset, "What?" the older asks watching as Jim opens up the box of bandages. Jim then gives him a 'you know what' making the older slouching his shoulders a bit gazing else where.


"Douxie," the wizard looks up from what he was doing, showing that he was listening. "Should you really be doing that, what if-" Douxie shakes his head knowingly, "Stop stressing Arch, I know what you mean, am sure it won't happen again though."

Looking back downward, he continues slicing away at the carrots. Archie narrows his eyes before giving a short shrug and licking at his paws.

After some strange happenings he was determined to keep an eye on his familiar. Not caring how many times he stressed that he was fine. Archie had wanted him to tell his boyfriend but he strongly disagreed like the stubborn wizard that he is. Then everything happened in slow motion. As Douxie cut down on the carrot slowly before his vision went blurry then black as his head felt heavy. Archie hadn't notice him until he heard the slicing of carrots stop.

So when he looked up to see Douxie's head hung low down and hands still he immediately called for Jim, not caring if the wizard would be upset when he awoke from whatever nightmare. Snapping his head back up he heard gasps. Presumably from his boyfriend and familiar. And for what ever reason he could feel his heart race and breathing coming out raggedly, trying to catch up to it. He gave a confused face when he saw his boyfriends ones widen. Looking at his line of sight, which was at his arm, he saw blood. He was bleeding and he didn't even realize.

Jim hurried him to the bathroom, throwing question at his lover all the way from the kitchen toward their bathroom. 


And that's how Douxie ended up on top of their tile counter being babied by Jim. "I just thought I had it under control, ok-" Jim scoffs in disbelief.

"Well look where that got you." Douxie groans at this, while Jim continues, "Don't you trust me enough if there's something wrong-"

"Ofcourse I do," the wizard stresses, "I don't want you to believe that. I just... I'll tell you when the time is right, okay?" Jim nodded at him in understanding. "But the next time this happens your bandaging up your own self as well buying more bandages. I'd had to use them out on you," Douxie pouted a little, "How childish for a 900yr old wizard," 


"Shut up Archie."

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