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"You should never have saved me..."

...Hisirdoux starts sleepwalking to the one area where his deceased Master Merlin's body once laid, where he last drew breath, where he died in Douxie's arms, when he called him-- finally called him, his son.


"Arch, it's happened for the third time this week." The wizard stressed out.

"You mean, that, well --"

"No!" The raven-head yelled out defensively, a light red spreading across his face from embarrassment, "No, not -- not that," he hesitated.

"Ah. I see old friend. And to put it simply, you do that almost everyday--"

"Arch," he whines out, sliding a hand down his face dramatically. "Look. Just listen, okay?"

The familiar gets serious, still not forgetting what he assumed seconds ago, but pays keen attention to what his friend had to say.

With a short sigh, he begins, "I don't exactly remember which day it started during this week, but I do remember:..."


Waking up from his slumber, his eyes travel the warm sun litted room. Sunny lines of yellow tracing along his white sheets, his bedside desk, here and there from the cracked open window.

He doesn't need to take a second look, for his thoughts were correct, it was basically more of a thing now. Archie waking up and doing things before he did. Douxie didn't see the need to do that, unless he was going to his part-time job, when he could even atleast spend a few minutes of rest to catch up there already messed up sleep schedule. As if having a little more time in bed was a bad thing. Maybe it was a feline habit or just --


('Bang! Bang! Bang! Straight through my heart~' sorry couldn't help it. Hehe:])

Echoes from downstairs.

"Archie," he breathes out into the room. This was just the motive he needed to get up out of bed, but knew he'd still argue with his familiar about the warm blankets he'd be coming out of.

Unless the situation proved to be, some-what worthy of not letting the two get into a petty conflict. Which, wouldn't come out as good, since the cat-dragon would much rather be a bit pesky on the idea of always being right, letting the wizard give up as soon as it started.

As always...

Reluctantly, crawling out of bed and snailing towards the bathroom door, he stops in his tracks from something that caught his attention. As he stares down below at his toes, wiggling them before seeing the dirt and dust scattered on it, some also found on the heel of his astronomy pajamas.

He simply ignores it and continues toward the door, deciding he'd just wash them later for when he had the time.

Yawning as he spins the door knob in his hand and walking into the already lighted bathroom. He stops at the door stretching out the tiredness. Having his arms back at his side, he walks over to the mirror. Not yet glancing at his reflection. Instead reaching out for his toothbrush, he immediately felt a wave of tiredness. Grabbing onto the sink for support, he takes in a deep breath from the sudden surprise. Looking up he finally caught sight of the second Douxie in the mirror.

He stares dumbstruck at the other version of himself. Not believing the bewildering sight. It wasn't the bags under his eyes, how those hazels seemed red and puffy. Reaching a hand up to his dyed-blue hair, he plucks out a small, dead, green leaf. Glancing at it, then back the mirror.

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