Lèt Mè Kìss Yòù!

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What if it had only been Jim and Douxie that got sent into the time rift? Past Douxie and Jim are put into finding the future Douxie before a spell takes it's lasting effect as the sun drifts down. And maybe another surprise is given at the end.



''Douxie!'' he sighs, ''What have I gotten myself into?'' and just then, something takes his wrist, pulling him into darkness as he yelps.

Much Earlier•

''Ok, so let me get his straight. You somehow conjured up a spell that made Douxie go into happy mode and he's outside of the castle frolicking and you need me to find him- by myself.'' Then came Douxie's past self squeaky voice, ''Exactly my old friend. I'd ask Arch to accompany you but he's with Merlin and that wouldn't be-''

Jim instead finished for him, "Completely great on your side because of the old guy.'' Douxie nodded and the trollhunter placed a firm hand on his shoulder in reassurance, "It'll be fine, I'll get him back, no sweat.'' The manbun smiled at him, relief in his eyes.

"I'll be sure to find some reversal spell or an antidote while you're away."


The unknown hand then let go of his wrist and a giggle could be heard, echoing. Before Jim could get into his fighting stance, a series of clicking like chains could be heard before a blue glow came into view.

It gave him enough light for the trollhunter to realize that it was- ''Douxie!'' before he could get another word out, the wizard then started to run ahead, ''Wait!'' he yelled as he followed after the blue glow of light. It wasn't much of a good source but it helped him to see better, that's how he knew he was in a cave, narrow and rocky. As he looked among his surroundings he almost tripped by an unknown rock but quickly caught his footing as he hissed in pain.

But he soon then smirked when he looked up, he saw that the wizard had stood perfectly in place ahead of him. He rushed further and skidded to a stop when the raven had held out his hand in a stop motion. Jim got so confused by this, so out of breath, as he looked over at where Douxie had his eyes trained on. Looking downward he saw a butterfly, but it was glowing. A fantastic pink colour. It's pattern showing little stripes. It looked so unreal. In sync, they both knelt down to get a closer look at the fascinating creature that slowly closed and flapped its wings back and forth on a yellow growing flower.

And without thinking, Jim and Douxie reached out and touched the creature. It then flew away and they both watch in amazement as other butterflies of various colours soon filled the space around them. Some purple, red, blue, orange. They couldn't get enough of the sight as they turned and spun left to right, mouth open in aw.

That was only the start of Jim's chase to get the future Douxie back to the castle. He almost fell into a hole. Douxie tricked him into going into a gore's village, very small but angry, and very hideous, creatures. He almost dropped into a lake when crossing over a rickety bridge and a bunch of buffet of other things that put the trollhunter in utter embarrassment.

When he had finally calmed down, they were both laying on a slight slope of a small hill that led out to some grass, like a small field. And they weren't so sure how far away they were from the castle, like it mattered. Jim hadn't had this much fun since he got turned into a troll. And everything was, just - well, he doesn't want to go there. He instead wanted to stay in this present, past- whatever, with Douxie, watching the perfect small stars they were under.

''Is that spell of yours over now.'' he breathed out, not turning to the other. ''Yeah, you ran me low on juice'' they both laughed at the comment. And when Jim tuned to look at wizard he saw he was already looking at him, a small smile gracing his face. This got him flustered but all he could really do was stare in to hazel eyes. ''Do you wanna go back to the castle,'' he heard the British voice ask. He broke from his hypnotic gaze looking back at the sky before replying,

''No, lets stay a little longer...'' the silence after was comforting and Jim was very thankful for it. He pulls his hands under his head. he only looks over when Douxie sits up on his elbow. And even from the side Jim admired the gorgeous wizard. Douxie then turned his head and looks right at Jim. In deep soul. And Jim freezes when Douxie turns his body toward him, bringing his free hand to Jim's chest and all the while they store on in each others eyes not looking away until Douxie broke eye contact and looked on his lips. And as he leaned close the little confidence Jim owned up, he removed a hand from place, brushing the strands of Douxie's blue hair, behind his ear until there lips finally met in a sweet kiss.

Each both glad for the feeling and spark it brought. But when Douxie leans away the trollhunter became confused, and fear rose in him when he had wide eyes staring at him. Until he saw his hand that was still in mid air- his human hand. He shot up almost knocking over the wizard. he was definitely shocked to say the least. And he looked back at the wizard who just gave a smile smile.

Overjoyed that he was now human again and his family and friends wouldn't look at him as a troll anymore, he flew his arms to hug the wizard then they rolled down the rest of the hill. They were a giggling mess when they reached the bottom.

And as Jim calmed down and looked at the male underneath him, grass in his messy hair, he was finally so ridiculously happy. And without thinking he leaned down smashing there lips together again. And very inch of Jim's emotions poured out into it, a thank you, for saving his life, for being there, making him human again but most importantly for it also meant 'I love you' and they kiss as the stars twinkled that night.

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