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He feels the fueling adrenaline deep in his bones as he slashes and cuts through another monster, prepared yet dripping with sweat for another enemy. If anything, the trollhunters were more than ready to end his war.

As they fought through trolls to clear a path for the trollhunter to destroy Belloc and her minions long with it. And Jim hopes that after this whole ending of the world, he can- they can all celebrate the victory in the simple presence of friends and family.

Sure, some had been lost along the way, they won't be forgotten.

Jim strikes again and sees the path toward the firefly and fierce titan. He sprints towards it and touches it's rough edges with his palm. Feeling the cool of the Wizards magic through his armor. It sticks easily and this in turn causes him to glance through the chaos of Toby, Claire, Krel- Douxie...

From afar it's easy enough to tell he's pushing himself along his limits. He's more exhausted than anything. Pushing through with his staff- new staff as he chants through spells and his winged friend was soaring the sky above him. Jim thinks once there was a time where Douxie was only a waiter that served both him and Claire. And before leaving he'd glance at the blue dyed hair guy and leave a tip.

Never in a million years would he think to imagine of that same person to be a wizard, with a familiar, that accompanied the great Merlin himself. And oh- Merlin, he thinks. He can't possibly know what that boy is going through, he wasn't there ofcourse but he still intends to talk to Douxie about it. When the time comes... He catches hazel eyes that sends a wink his way before smashing another troll. And Jim smiles at that before returning to the task at hand. After all this blood and sweat, he's sure to speak of all this later.

But before his other hand meet rough edges, everything goes a little too slow. At first he hears the sickening scream and within seconds his head is turned again toward the sound. And there he cold hear, feel and touch everything in that moment. He could hear the sound of slice of metal and flesh, sound so slow it could be hard to miss. And he sees the blood darkening quickly until it becomes a larger spot. And the very weapon pulls back just as slowly, taunting. He sees- sees the way his mouth parts, hands already covered in blood as he looks down, knees already giving in.

Jim doesn't remember how, when and with a what strength he had the ability to be sitting on the floor with the wizards head in his lap. Carding his fingers through wet and sweaty hair softly. And around him the chaos continues to reign. Before he knew it tears were already prickling at his eyes, quick to spill as they blurred his vision.

This can't be happening now. They were all supposed to be celebrating after this.

But no, the universe always had other plans, always went against their good wishes. It wasn't fair, and he knew, but how many times was he gonna have people leave his life without ever returning? But its funny, isn't it, they were always to give and never get anything back. And because of that a precious life such as the one above his legs and to be taken away.

"Douxie,'' he starts breathless, ''What if we- can we fix this please, tell me- tell me we can fix this-" he cracks without meaning to and he stays oblivious to everything occurring except for the feel of the wizards hair and his eyes that keep closing as if he'd slip away any time now.

But he fights, even when he's suppose to let go.

And Jim thinks selfishly, if he could survive that fall once, could he survive this too? ''It's fine Jim,'' and he wants to yell, scream, anything, because this man cannot be serious.

But that's the thing, Douxie was as always willing to sacrifice, die for the greater good. And he hated that, because it reminds him of himself a little too much.

Hisirdoux Casperan was a little too precious for this world.


''I once told myself i could fix things, but- I find it best you- best you save yourself the greif-'' But Jim tries to blink away the tears shaking his head. ''B-But maybe this is different,'' he know he's reaching, hoping a bit too high, but who else is going to? And Douxie saddens at that, ''No Jim, it's not,'' all Jim can do in the moment is hold his head against Douxie's, eyes shut as he trembles with tears, and Douxie holds his hand for comfort. The clock ticks and before it strikes, he hears the faint , ''Goodbye Jim...'' and holds on a little tighter, moving his face to the crook of his neck as he feels the grip on his hand slip and Douxie's pulse that was once faint now slips far- far away...

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