wh@t @ løng dr¡vē

29 1 8

It was another fight. Although, this time the wizard can't recall what it was. The further away he gets from the Arcane Order it wouldn't matter anyway. Guessing a change would be great anyway, leaving wasn't such a bad idea. But wasn't it. He was leaving everything behind... What a long drive...


Douxie sighed for the tenth time that day. His face was a frown and his knuckles stung at the way he squeezed the steering wheel. His mind has a rollercoaster, to put it short.

How the hell did he get here? He'd chuckle without humor and tell you he didn't know. And really, he doesn't, honestly.

The car held a steady fast pace as no one was on the open road of nothing but grass and barely any trees. A long ride, honestly. It was him, the car to concrete and the two passengers in the back. Nari and Archie.

Really, all he remembers was that it was another fight. A petty one at that. It was like any time he and the Latino were to talk they'd still end up at each others throats. Spitting words and throwing knives, not actual knives but you get the idea. It was just pure cursing, yelling, lots of yelling, hot angry faces, tears at the brim of eyes, things that were said that shouldn't have been spoken... Yeah, it was that bad. Though, putting it like that was an understatement. But, the thing was, they'd make up pretty quickly again and wounds that were peeled open would be left untouched and unlooked at. Leaving nothing put lasting scars of hurt, guilt, regrets and sadness...

But this fight didn't just leave wounds or scars: it left blood and a broken heart.

Where was he driving to? Douxie taps on the wheel a little as he loosens his grip... He didn't think that far. Douxie just needed to get away from him. But God really, at this point, any where away from the Arcane Order was fine. Was safe. That's all that mattered. So really, he'll have to just improvise.

He looks through the rearview mirror as he readjusts it to see Nari with Archie in her lap. Both peacefully sleeping with the low hum of the car. They always seemed to like driving than Douxie did. Or more rather really being driven by someone. That brought a smile to the wizard's lips as he looks back at the road.

Ahead of him, he sees trees towering slightly over the road. A forest, he thought to himself.

As he drives on, he realizes more and more that he left without a plan. If Merlin were here by God he would have a smack to his head.


He left his safe haven, for Christ's sake his home... he left Krel...

Douxie sees now that he entered the forest, there were a lot more corners and turns than he'd imagine, but what was he expecting. He glances at the two in the back again and it all just tumbles down.

What was I thinking? Buckets! Nari and Archie must be so sick of all our fights now. They must be tired from hearing our constant yelling. Where would we live now? Go back to Arcadia, to our friends- family, tell them I'm back because of my boyfriend and-

He leans on the steering wheels as the tears come flooding. The boy just didn't get it. What went wrong, what had he done, how did he get here, he needs to know...

Everything looks too blurry and the trees start to dance in his vision. Taking a deep breath, it doesn't calm the lump in his throat, but he sits up and blinks away some of his tears. He'll cry later, when he can, for now, he needs to focus on the road. It still hurts though, the pain won't go and he doesn't know what to about it. Taking a hand from the steering wheel he wipes at his sad, wet eyes and sniffles a little. All he needs to do is move on, he'll be fine then, good even, he hopes...

It start to rain and Douxie now sees how the skies look dark and grey. Not knowing this would happen he makes sure that the wipers are doing there job so as to not cause any casualties. Ahead he can see the clearing, the trees no more lowering and shadowing him. But before he can make it out of this nightmare, he enters a new one. A truck comes into view and he-

He hears the crash, feels the warmth drip down his head, hears... hears his name being called- sees smoke, so much smoke. It was burning... it burns... he needs to get to Nari and Archie, keep them safe- he promised- can't let any one down- bloody hell, why can't he move... he needs- needs to-

Really, how could he think he'd make it out of this dark tunnel to see the glowing light of day, he must be crazy... what a long drive...

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