Ønə Ñīghţ At Đınņër

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After all the war, fighting & battles, The Heros of Arcadia return back to what could be called- well- somewhat, in-a-way... normal life, you could say. In one apartment of 2, danger crept in for a late night show. Leaving from his life, Merlin, Nari, Morgana & even Camelot he was left with Archie. But was he really? There were heroic teens ofcourse who saw him as family- a brother. It all happend so fast: the kidnapping, the search, the strange and mysterious mail/note. He was put back into that familiar feeling of loneliness; again. Douxie found help ofcourse and something quite unexpected...

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The sun peered through the small window, showing it's glowing light and happily shone on the snoring wizard's face. Shifting himself away from the warm source, he turns to the left while unknowingly hitting the small furred creature that was resting soundly on the other side of the bed. Causing the poor alarmed thing to awaken and hiss, all while stumbling off the bed in it's frightened state.

A small sigh was heard from the cat-dragon. He hopped back onto the bed, with a small frown that sat upon his face. Walking silently up to the boy's face he --

With a wide open mouth, yells out, "DOUXIE!"

The Master Wizard gasps and within a quick motion is startled up in a sitting position with a panicked look. Spining his head in all sorts of directions until he finally slips off the bed with a small thud and a grunt erupting from his lips.

His head shots up above the bed, in level to throw an angered expression at his familiar. Who, only sits in amusement at the priceless sight he'd just witnessed. Licking his paw, he mutters out something the blue-dyed-hair boy didn't quite hear. He twirls around on the soft sheets, ignoring the boy's frown as he spins on the soft, yet wrinkled, sheets. Only stopping at the right spot to lay down on, curling up with a soft sigh of satisfaction.

It gets oddly quite for a minute and Archie soon discovers why t-

"Biolaritos Mariticus!" ✌🏻

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"Honestly; what were you thinking?"

"I could ask you the same the Arch."

The cat rolls his eyes at the response as he lays on the couch watching his familiar walking around looking for... something? He isn't exactly sure.

"Wouldn't want to sound childish, ofcousre, but your the one who started it." The cat had protested.

"Oh, wow. Such words coming from a dragon who can't prove it," Douxie says with a smirk, stopping his search to look at his old friend. He leans on the table with two hands for support behind his back. Tilting his head to taunt the cat-dragon.

As he watched Archie try to talk back, he purposefully interrupts, "Now what your going to say is 'Sorry'." Still having his now narrowed eyes at Arch.

He opens his mouth to reply to that, only to close it. Then with a roll of his eyes he finally lets out, "My apologies old friend, it was highly my fault." The cat lets out as he stands while fixing his small eye-wear.

Already pleased with the apology, with shut eyes, he teased, "That's more like it, was it that har- "

"Not." He hears the black furred creature mutter, now at a far off distance

Snapping his eyes open he throws a glare at the now retreating cat. Bringing his bracer to life he started his chase.


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"You have to go!" The cat hissed at his familiar.

With spellcaster sat lightly on his lap, he strummed the guitar not looking at the creature as he argued back, "I don't have to do anything Arch. It's my decision. And I, choose not to go."

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