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...And maybe it wasn't the best idea for Douxie to still be up at 3 in the morning trying to 'tune' his guitar. But whatever, until someone strolls along to join the fun or rather not so fun ride.


A small house where 3 reside in, a wizard, who'd once owned a man bun was trying out his guitar, spellcaster, which he had named it- er- her.

With closed eyes he had been strumming the thing on an amplieflying level. If he hadn't put a barrier around his room, sure to know that his roof would fly off along with people in a nearby radius having ears coming and popping too. He was most definetly enjoying the strings he played with. No sign of hearing lost yet.

And if he were to be more careful and observant he would've caught on to the front door that wasn't locked with his magic, that the barrier around his house, that was used for protection all came down at once. To what came after, a sereis of steps that walked all the way up the stairs, passed the bedroom of both Archie and Nari and toward his own bedroom door that was now unlocked-

The intruder barely having enough time to cover his eardrums from the unpleasant and bombarding noise, when swinging open the door. Their face in it's usual frown as they try to yell over the music toward the wizard that hadn't noticed a thing. With a roll of his eyes and a flick of his wrist green spreaded throughout the room, turning off the loud guitar.

Douxie looked around confusedly until he spotted the man at the door. "Fuzzbuckets'', he whispered under his breath. He then gave an awkward smile toward the frowning man. ''Merlin..." he forced out, rubbing the back of his neck, as the old man took a step into the room, ''What- What are you doing here?'' Douxie proceeded to take the hanging guitar from his body placing it on the bed gently. The Master Wizard groaned with the green staff in hand. ''I just so happened to want to visit my former appprenice only to see that he's dreadfully lost his mind,'' Douxie groaned, "Oi", and rolled his eyes at this, preferring to sit on his bed back slouched trying to survive the upcoming and gravelling leture. 

"That barrier spell put in place around this house is weak. The Arcane Order would've surley broken in easily thanks to your handy work.'' About to defend himself Merlin hadn't given him that oppotunity and continued, ''What if they had barged in like a thief in the night, took Nari, what would you do then? Or maybe you wouldn't have barely had a chance because you were too busy destoying your eardrums.'' Merlin shakes his head in disappointment. This gives the chance for Douxie to speak for himself, ''Master, you need to understand that I've got everything under contol-''

''Do you?'' he asks accustary.

''Yes.'' the other stresses. ''I have my own security systems and Archie is always on alert with Nari. You just need to have faith in me Master.'' he hoped that the first part convinced him enough to put more trust in his now fully grown Master Wizard. 

Douxie stares on as Merlin stares too but falters lighty when the latter takes slow steps toward him throwing him off guard a bit. But he stands his ground when Merlin stops right infront of him. He then places his hand on his shoulder. Douxie gets a bit too surprisd at this and looks between the hand on his shoulder then at Merlin.

''I am proud of you and trust you just as much, my son.'' The old voice speaks out and Douxie couldn't be more happy by this. Having both his hands now being placed behing him he says, ''And please with that "Master Merlin". You're your own Master now. Besides, it's getting old.'' Douxie laughs at this while Merlin seats himself on the untidy bed. " Sorry, old habit."

Then from out of the blue he askes, ''Care to sing a song on that thing of yours?'' 

As if he didn't have that much surprise all in a night, this did it.

Douxie's eyes widened and he wondered for a bit if he heard right. The other raised a brow, ''Well?'' he asks impatiently. Douxie lets out a series of stutters before re-adjusting spellcater, flopping next to Merlin and singing one of his many favourites while strumming the guitar softly for the man infront of him... his father... 

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