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It started with E and ended with S. Elias to be exact. The boy was so charming and that should have set Jim off. But it didn't. He was so oblivious and already infratuated with the guy. Blinded by that prince of a charming beauty, he couldn't even pick up on the signs and or listen to his well meaningful friends. God blame him and his stupid, stupid heart...


''Did someone blackmail you?" Jim had expected something far different from him as the boy let out a genuine laugh. Jim had looked at him puzzled with a slightly tilted head, his black rimmed glasses careful not to fall. And as Elias' (his name) laughter died down he smiled at Jim innocently. "Hm, your cute." Jim cursed himself for turning red at the comment. And acted like he was fixing his glasses so as to hide it, hopefully anyway. If Elias had seen it he never spoke of it. "How about we try to get to know each other first? And see how things work from there?" 

Jim couldn't understand it one bit. He kept asking himself: Why?

He looked on over to where Claire and Douxie had stood, watching him and Elias. The hall just as noisy and filled with kids chatting away the day. If he said yes, he'd finally be noticed by someone. And it could do him well to get his mind off Douxie. And if he said no, he'd continue with his boring life. He's not exactly complaining, cause he likes it that way. No drama to bug him everyday. And he could continue his many speeches in the boys bathroom, practicing to ask Douxie out. 

Sighing internally, he made a descision.

"Yeah, I guess I'd like that." Elias had immediatly smiled at that. And just before leaving they exchanged numbers. "See ya." Elias waved off, walking away into the swarmed crowd. Jim had only stopped staring away at Elias' departure only when Claire and Douxie had came over to him. 

"What was that all about?" That tone in Claire's voice was expected. Seeing as she didn't like just any guy in the school. And Douxie's expression, seemed... Unreadable. Either way, Jim had looked at them both and answered, "Elias just asked me... To be his boyfriend."


After that, Elias and Jim had hung out more and more frequenlty. And Jim had found it to be quite better than he expected. He was learning so much about the guy everyday. Much to his surprise. And in Jim's words ofcousre, he'd say that he was sweet, charming, kind, thoughful, funny and incredibly adorable when he wants to be.

But, the thing is, he also found those in another person too.

Indeed he had still hung out with his friends Claire, Douxie and Toby. (Well for the most part Toby had been in the hospital and wasn't able to attend school, so he wasn't sure to know much about anything only until when the 3 would visit. And, although he wasn't in good shape, he was super chill about the whole thing. Even giving Elias a threatend warning that Jim had to put a stop to before things excalated). And the shorter was quite happy of the way Elias showed a little fear in his eyes. That's Toby for you. But, never-the-less Jim had been having a great time with Elias, he treasured every moment. 

He was contemplating on telling his Mom about this new boy, but he never really did, lets just say that he was waiting for the right moment. But even through those weeks Elias had also tried to hung out with Claire and Douxie. Jim had said it wasn't nessecary to but the older had insisted anyway. Saying it's good knowing him as well as his friends. He knew there was saying a to that but didn't feel the need to look into it.

And Jim couldn't be more happy by that. How Elias placed him first. And if anything, Claire was happy that Jim was. She wasn't completly in for most of it cause she thought something was up, but instead of letting that get in the way, she made it her duty to be there for Jim in any way and see how it all turned out for them. She had warned Jim from the beginning that Elias did seem like a nice person and all but he should still be careful. Anything is inevitable. 

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