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Douxie's heart had been pounding in his ears the entire time. His throat and stomach tied in uneasy knots. And his hands, were in fists, shaking slightly at his side with anger at it's end. His face was a tight frown. As his eyes store down into his lovers own. It felt like they were fighting for so long, did his feet always feel so cramped, like he could fall at any minute. It was like no matter what they would always be going back and forth.

A really well rounded circle if anything. God this was tiring, why couldn't he see it from the beginning. It was like none of them were listening to each other anymore. Their tight line of good communication gone. This was just waring him out as much as those long sleepless nights of protecting his family from the doers of evil. Having to place strategic and organized spells around their own home.

But now, as those words toppled from the alien's mouth so smoothly, with nothing but pins and knives behind each word, were shredding his heart piece by piece. He knew Krel saw it too, the regret crossing his face so quick that the apology spilling from his lips were quicker.

Douxie could feel the anger being replaced with hurt. All of the daggers he was throwing at the Latino boy was gone now. He didn't think... Krel wouldn't... But he did, he did- he did he did he did-

Soon, the wizard felt nothing, he turned, packed his bag... And left. Nari and Archie right behind him. And... He didn't dare look back. Fear of spinning the car around and going back to the boy who was causing him so much pain to count for.


Ahead he can see the clearing, the trees no more lowering and shadowing him. But before he can make it out of this nightmare, he enters a new one. A truck comes into view and he-

He hears the crash, feels the warmth drip down his head, hears... hears his name being called- sees smoke, so much smoke. It was burning... it burns... he needs to get to Nari and Archie, keep them safe- he promised- can't let any one down- bloody hell, why can't he move... he needs- needs to-


When he slowly blinked his eyes open, he already knew he wasn't familiar with the setting. Pictures on the side of the wall already giving away that he was at the Lake's residence. He shut back his eyes and groaned at the stinging pain in his head. Hand shaking when he reached up and touched what felt like fresh bandages wrapped around his head.

That's when he recalled. "Nari... Archie," he coughed, his voice felt rough.

He lied still for a while before sighing and reopening his eyes. And he turned his head, with a little difficulty, to the sound of footsteps following down the creaking stairs to his right.

"Doux, you're awake," Jim came up to him, a smile on his face, the wizard couldn't help but smile back. It was great to see a familiar face again. It has been so long ago that he had given that speech and flew off with Nari and his familiar.

''Hey... Jim,'' he replied. Jim passed him a bottle of water. "Thanks,'' he took little sips then Jim took back the bottle when he was through, setting it on a nearby table. Before he could ask Jim was already reading his worried mind. ''Nari and Archie are fine. They had a few scratches but my mom fixed them up fine."

Douxie sighed and tried to get up only to have Jim push him back down. Douxie groaned at the ache in his back. ''Sorry,'' Jim reached back, ''but you should stay flat for a little longer,'' then the burning question came, ''What happened Doux?''

The wizard looked up at Jim, about to explain, then he shut his mouth and turned away. Could he really even say, he himself didn't even know what it was, mind in a fog of sorts and he just really needed to see Archie and the little demigoddess. Needed to be sure they were alright.

He hears the trollhunter sigh and he glances up, "Alright, I should give you some space. I'll tell the others that you're awake." He watched his back turn and footsteps follow back up to the stairs and through the doors of the basement.

Now he was alone again and left with nothing but his thoughts.

Douxie was now rethinking everything. He knew that if he hadn't left, he'd never be free of the never ending cycle of fights and hating words... But, he'd also not even be in this situation. Being back at the place were the Arcane Order once was, where he escaped from to protect his family. Now they were here again because of him.

When will he learn? Was this what it seemed like to his Master? That he was always putting things at risk because of his recklessness. If Merlin could see him now, what would he say...

Douxie shakes away the thought, the days were always long and winding when he tried not to think of the death of... Merlin. It still sometimes felt hard to swallow the very ink of thought for even a split second.

The man sighs and he thinks some rest could do him good.

Maybe when he awakes all this nightmare could be nothing but a distant dream never to look back on again...

This goes to the 1 ExplosiveBiatch . Enjoy! :D

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