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Jim and Douxie along with Archie had planned to go shopping. What could go wrong?


''Can you at least put on a shirt?''

He scoffs with an eye roll, "Says the one that has been cuddling up to me all morning. Why doth the darling hath an issue now?" He looks at Jim with narrowed eyes, while the latter simply shrugs and makes for a reply, doubting Douxie used those words right, - but maybe he did- but that's not the point now, "Well, I was hoping that we could hed down to a store and go eye shopping,'' Jim then turns and scoffs as he says something else, "Or do you want to go shirtless?" his boyfriend starts to get up from the table with plate in hand, heading to the sink as he answers Jim. ''Why the hell not? Instead of it even being eye shopping you could buy me, then and there! Comes with no shirt and you get a discount. Just the way you like it. Eh?"

Jim groans as he gets up from the table. Feeling the heat on his face growing. He heads up the stairs to retrieve Archie and something else to walk back downstairs and in the hall to see his boyfriend chilling on his phone. With Archie in hand and in cat form. Jim throws the black shirt into his boyfriend's face and turns away with the chuckling cat in hand heading to Douxie's car.

Soon enough Douxie comes along and enters the drivers seat. "Took you long enough.'' Douxie frowns, ''Shut up Arch!"

They drive on in silence. Only coming to a stop when Jim points on a store, so Douxie parks right away and gets out of the car. A small Jim tries to catch up to the 'already far away male that I can't reach up to', but ends up losing him when he enters the big shopping store. Jim sighs and walks into an isle, holding Archie to his chest and rubbing him softly as Arch purrs contently. The place was really bustling with people.

He looks at the shelves that had fascinating cooking ideas and various stuff. Looking in front of him he spots that blue dyed haired boy staring at something intensely with a thoughtful look. Jim walks up to him silently and looks at where Douxie's line of sight is. ''Do you... want that?" He looks over at the boy who now sighs and begins to walk away. Jim walks along side him, not wanting to lose him again. ''Is there something in particular that you're looking for?"

"Well not exac-'' but he then got interrupted, ''Just do what you're doing so we can get out out of this store," he states plainly making Jim halt in his steps, ''Okay but at least get something for yourself!" he yells at the retreating back that slouched a little. Jim looks back at the black sweater that Douxie had his eyes on not too long ago. Making it up in his mind to get it for him as a surprise. Snapping back to where he was last, he sees that he had already left the isle leaving him alone with Archie. The cat then jumps from the hand that had been carrying him. ''You know how he is, always moody."

More like emo.

He smiles up at the blue eyed boy as he sat on the cold white tiles of the store, his tail moving in a weird rhythm with a twitch to it... ''Yeah,'' he bends to rub Archie some more. ''Sometimes I wonder how we fell in love.'' ''Hm, don't look at me, it strikes me too," Jim laughs at that and then held out his hand toward Archie for an invitation, only the familiar rejects it as he walks away saying that he has 4 legs to carry him.

So during that time being, Jim and Archie went on their own adventure in the huge shopping space. Jim had seen some things that fascinated him, (other than cooking topics) and even got to put multiple things into his notepad app along with prices. Things got a little too exciting for Jim when he caught sight of some cat clothing within a pets section, pestering and torturing Archie to try some on. Never resisting to go 'ooo's and 'aww's for every clothing he fitted onto the poor cat dragon.

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