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None of them weren't unaware of how the Master Wizard had just cheated death and was already back to saving the world. So as soon as he was done with his victory speech and headed onto the ship with Nari, everyone had argued that he should at least stay for a bit to recover, before traveling far away to New York.

A small bickering of convincing him was enough for them to fully plan out that they would reside at the Lake's house while Nari would stay back at hex tech. Never will he understand how these teens had such a strong hold on him. But he wasn't complaining. Sticking around a little would be nice to savour a moment with the Heroes of Arcadia.

He had a task which was important and a tad scary, but he tried to drift from that for now. Happy instead to be in the presence and present with his new friends. But there'll always be a constant thought in his head, to keep him on edge.

When they approached the porch of the Lake's house it was then after that when Jim made a sigh as he knocked unto the door. A few shuffles came from behind the wooden barrier as they patiently waited, then it opened to reveal ''...Mom?'' the boy rushed into his mothers arms. Wrapping his own human ones around her tightly.

It was a small and sweet reunion especially since he wasn't in troll form. Not anymore. When everyone tried to fill into the living room, Jim had said he'd preferred if everyone rest up and he'd try to answer every question his mother had for him. They had so much catching up to do.

When night had come down upon them, Douxie had found he couldn't sleep. Just like the couple past day's after- well, the death of his late master Merlin.

He wandered into the backyard of the house resting on a sturdy rock while Arch sat curled into his lap, falling asleep instantly...

Douxie smiled at that and stroked him slowly. Glancing upward he could see the star litted sky. How he wished he could have one more time like this, just being free without the weight of the world. Or even having to be on high alert every second, at the the cause of a surprise attack on such happenings leading to the end of the world. Because that's always how lucky they were. Footsteps were approaching nearby and slowly he sat up with the familiar in his lap to see Jim. Blue eyes met hazel with a smile and the latter smiled back.

The trollhunter took his own seating right next to the wizard. Their shoulders almost touching. After a while Douxie went back into his leaning position to face the sky upward. The younger copying his lead. The silence between them soon broke. "Can't sleep?'' he smiled at the questions as his eyes wandered the sky. ''Yeah,'' the British voice answered. Jim shook his head although Douxie wouldn't see it, ''Me either...'' silence once more. Jim gazed over to his left when he saw movement. To see that Douxie had sat up and now looking down into his lap . ''Jim?''


The trollhunter answered looking at the boys back. ''Do you ever think as to why things happen when they happen? Have you ever questioned why me? Whether it was faith or a high universal being... '' Jim didn't answer just yet waiting to see if he would continue. He knew the wizard was referring to Merlin.

"Do you ask yourself those sometimes?"

He did see that they had this type of connection no one could be able to understand. And once that connection was broken, it did hit Douxie hard. Way harder than it should've, or he had deserved. Sometimes he wished he could be the solution to every one of his problems. But this problem involved of a dead loved one wasn't promised to be fixed... And Jim couldn't fix it very much either.

All he could do was be there to help and that he was willing to do. Anything for Douxie Casperan. So he sat up and leaned close to touch shoulder with him. "I have. But sometimes it's best not to question everything."

''But... I know what you mean Douxie. But you should know were all here to help. This- this isn't the end. Not now...'' he paused to hold his hand and Douxie looked at him with surprise but Jim still held his proud smile.

''But maybe we could start a new story, make it our own,'' they waited in silence before Douxie intertwined their fingers, Jim's heart racing...

"I'd like that,"

"Me too."

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