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"...Jim..." he rasps out breathlessly to the other who was busy, well- being busy.

"What?" he asks as he stops what he's been doing and looks at the older that he was on top of. "Don't you think your Mom would be home any minute now?" Douxie replies back, glad that he was able to have some air now. Jim only shrugs nonchalantly and continues to tug and bite the others abdomen.

He tries to calm his breathing but knows that it would do no good. So instead, 'hopelessly making an attempt to get Jim out of the idea and probably take it to their bedroom' was obviously not working out. It's not that Mrs Lake doesn't know about their relationship or that it would be bad to catch them doing their thing, infact she pratically- err... nevermind, well, lets not go there.

What Douxie really thinks is that it wouldn't be appropriate for her to catch them like this now since the last time she was here, they weren't awake and what would there cover story be. "Jim, please, atleast stop for a minute and listen to me."

He practically pleads with the other.

Jim makes a stop by slowly biting the wizards pale skin and remove himself from him by sitting on the others abdomen. "Am listening, but only for a minute," he adds on quickly. The wizard groans at that and waves a hand through his mussy hair. "Just- don't you think it would be better if we did it up there-'' his pointer finger going up before his boyfriend stops him.

''No.'' The trollhunter interrupts, folding his arms and pouting at him. Great, Douxie can be as stubborn too. ''Fine. But what are we gonna tell your Mom when- if she catches us in her sofa making out-''

''But-'' Douxie only continues. ''-when we are supposed to be sleeping Jim, how do you explain that?" Now Douxie is the one folding his arms across his chest having being serious about this as he narrows his eyes at the younger patiently waiting for him to give an answer.

He gives a thinking look then gazes at his partner. ''Well we can always tell her that I came downstairs but I accidentally woke you and then we kinda lost track of time and yeah...'' The taller out of the two rolls his eyes at the other from disbelief of his suggestion. ''Your unbelievable Jim. I swear on Camelot. How are you gonna explain exactly as to what woke me up?" Jim groans dramatically at this, getting bored. "I'm sick of all these questions. I'll just improvise, if this so called inevitable happens. Now..." he begins to lower his head while staring into his lovers eyes. "Hm, now?" Douxie taunts with a smirk at the other who stopped midway...

In a swift move, Douxie holds onto his boyfriends shirt, gripping him there, then flipping them both over onto the floor with a heavy thud and grunt from the bottom. Jim groans but its not like he's in much pain.

The both of them breathing heavily in the space between them. Douxie smirks at him looking down below while leaning up a bit from his face. Tilting his head he asks. "Now, where were we?" he then gives a confused face when he sees Jim smiling back at him "What?" he asks. He just shakes his head. "Oh nothing really... I just love it when your this ho-" But Douxie gives him a warning look to even finish that sentence.

Although it wasn't all that necessary, Douxie ended up flushed either way but rolled his eyes at Jim as if to cover the growing blush.

He then quickly ducks meeting the trollhunters face again, making him the blushing mess. The wizard had on a panicked face that Jim couldn't quite place as to what for. But as he's about to open his mouth to ask, Douxie quickly covers it giving him a scared warning expression and goes to answer his many questions. "Your Mom just came back home,'' he says as he cautiously looks back up again. Jim slowly moved the hand away from his mouth and quietly whispers, ''Like I said, we can always improvise-'' but it's quickly shut back up, ''No time we gotta move.''


''Be quiet!" the wizard whisper yells. In a quick go he's hauling the trollhunrter on to his feet and they make there way to the foot of the stairs, careful to not make any noise. But Jim doesn't understand as to why all of this hustle is needed when he could just tell his Mom what happened, but he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't bother to ask anyway. All this drama and action being of no significance.

As they make it to the top of the stairs, they see that the hallway is covered in the darkness. As Douxie spins through his bracelet in the dark. Jim begins to lower his hand and shows Douxie that his Mom is just below the foot of the stairs. He sighs at this and gives up on even trying to make any source of light. Grabbing onto Jim's hand they walk in the dark together.

''What now?" Jim asks in a hushed whisper. Walking hand in hand with his lover wasn't what he thought would turn of the night. But he wasn't complaining. Then they make an abrupt stop, Jim looks to where Douxie's face might be. ''I think we might have just passed your Mom's bedroom,'' they start up again. Jim lays his head on his tall lovers shoulder and Douxie does the same for only a second. Out of nowhere he starts to turn and hit the wall.

Jim more than willingly laughs at this... and also for the many times it occurred afterward. When they finally made it to a door, they were relieved it was Douxie's room. Jim starts the giggles again when Douxie bumps onto something else even when there was a bit of moonlight in the room flowing softly from the window.

When they got ready to sleep, Jim rolls over next to Douxie and kisses him lightly ''You're cute when your upset," making him roll his hazel eyes in the dark. 

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