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Douxie thought he had moved on from the recent death. Turns out, he was so very wrong...


''Is teach,-is he... gonna be o-okay?'' 

''Archie, this doesn't look too good,'' 

''I... I know. Douxie please, come on- wake up...''



Is that a good thing to wake up to and see? No... His eys weren't opened yet. He groans and hisses at the light when they finally do. The wizard frantically stood up a little too fast in his panicked state only to calapse back on his butt. He stared on at an unending light around him. Everything and nothing was white. Whatever he sat on was white, what he could hear, see and feel was entirely white. He backed up as it seemed that everything was closing in on him. When he backed up into something he turned around to see what it was. 


He turned back around and brought his legs toward his chest. Mind spinning, head aching. He didn't even know what to focus on, almost on the verge of tears as the wide empty room was consuming him. Holding his eyes closed he started muttering things to himself. It was getting too much until he started to remember. 

Past memories. 

The time he first met Merlin. Times when he got drenched in blue by the slorr. His many clumsiness. All those wise words that old man put into his brain. Questions he asked the great Merlin and highest hopes being crushed by the answer given back...

When he finally left Camelot... his home... When his Master had died... anyone would have been glad for that happening because of the strict and the non-playful attitude he always put up when meeting someone. 

But what they didn't see was a man who tried to save as much as he could. Who would act cold but deep down, he wasn't. Who was the closet thing to a father for Douxie. He- was everything

The wizard curled in on himself more by that thought and- ''Hisirdoux...'' his eyes shot open and head flew just in time to see, nothing. His heart raced. Douxie stood up and called out for him. 

''Master.'' he ran across the white floor turning and calling ''Master answer me!'' he breathed out heavily. Closing his hazel eyes, trying to focus in the blinding room. 

''...Hisirdoux...'' he heard again, ''Master,'' he replied, brows furrowed. The voice spoke again, ''Open your eyes boy.'' He did as instructed by Merlin whose voice that was heard from- behind him. This time he turned, just in time to see, ''Merlin...'' 

He then asked with a raised eyebrow, ''What has happened Hisirdoux. Why are you here?'' Running a hand through his hair, he told Merlin everyhing that had happened. He had made another self sacrifice, just like the last time with the Arcane Order. He just traveled into a new place, New York, and he was already shoving himself off a goddamn cliff. As he finished he thought Merlin would lecture him about the choices he had made. Not that he regreted them yet. But there was always time to improvise. 

Merlin had only sighed and asked his befallen apprentice, ''What shall become of this afterward?'' he was a bit surprised by the question and even as to caught off guard as to what to answer with. ''Uhh...'' he trailed off looking around the still white room. 

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