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Douxie was in pain.

But, not just an any and everyday usual thing, where you'd just injure yourself and it would probably heal within a weeks time. This- This was so much different.

Here, surrounded by nothing but darkness, though he was simply placed in a spotlight, a light shone overhead on him alone, pain was inevitable. Just like in the way losing Merlin, Nari and even Archie was. A cut so deep, a feeling so wounded and broken, you thought you'd never be able to overcome, to recover. Any of it. He's lost so much so, he didn't think- there was no such thought- of even having a single thing that could be ripped away from again. Nothing that could hurt him to the point of no coming back. Because in truth, the last thing held worthy to him at this point was his own life. 

A life not worth much when his family wasn't a part of it. Not anymore, atleast. Not when he saw the light go out from Merlin's eyes, not when he heard his last words whispered to him, not when his familiar was trapped and behind a wall that held them so far apart it was too much to bare the very thought, when he had one last hold on to the small and fragile hand of the green goddess of all good life and nature, then vanish into nothing but air from the other ice titan. When everything he had ever loved become nothing and nothing then darkness.

Now in this darkness, every single pain felt all too real. All too deep, hurt, broken. Real.

Too real...

The feeling at the bottom of his spine was what came first, and so, when he looked down to see the increasing sight of blood, he felt it wouldn't be that bad anymore. That maybe this was truly it. What did hurt most of all though, wasn't when that very weapon used against him cut more into his flesh and he could the hear sickening sound of his insides and the blood dripping slowly into the abyss, it was when he saw the very threatning thing and it glowed in an all too familiar green glow. 

Something the Master Wizard could never mistaken or doubt. Something he was so used to see in his years of living in Camelot.

And in a time like this pain was inevitable, as he closed his eyes, tears flowing steadily. He thought maybe, he could finally not feel any of it anymore. And it all went away and swept into the darkness. 




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