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When Douxie and Nari went into hiding, to New York, Jim decided for a visit. Douxie was so taken aback by the sudden surprise, he couldn't be upset by the fact that the trollhunter hadn't given him a warning first hand. And day went to night a little too quickly. But whilst they watched a movie together, close and huddled on a mat, from the chilly night, Jim found that he wasn't the only one springing up surprises like it was a regular thing...

Meanwhile, someone had lost an expensive bet...


Nervously, he rocked his feet back and forth. Patiently waiting for someone to open up. And within the silence of the cold night, wind picking up and blowing against his sweater softly, questions began to spring up in his head:

'What if he wouldn't be too happy with me? What if I have to go back to Arcadia? What do I do then?' Suddenly the door swung open, putting his negative thoughts at bay. The smile upon the wizard's face grew to be so contagious that the trollhunter couldn't help but smile too.

And to push him even more over the giddy edge, the taller pulled him into a warm hug. His hands wrapping tighter around him as his eyes widened in complete and utter surprise. Though he knew he'd like it no other way as he welcomed the embrace, arms around Douxie's back, closing his eyes as he tucked his head between his neck, inhaling the scent he was so used to by now.

Smile brighter than the crescent shinning in the sky among the glittering stars above their heads. Obviously no words needed to be said, it was already known, already acknowledged by the two. The 'I've missed you.'


Sitting in his room on a black carpet with the other next to him leaning on his side as they both watched the screen ahead of them felt right. So close as they're legs touched. Taking a glance at the boy next to him, position in a way that his legs met his chest, arms wrapping around them as he smiled at the TV with dark circles around his eyes, made him think over on his decision that he'd made downstairs not too long ago...


Once they stepped off the porch and went inside, Jim looked around the place, Douxie following his gaze. It seemed simple enough. Like any other household should be. Then turning back around to Douxie, "Where's Nari and Archie?"

Jim noticed how he tugged at his hoodie string a little before answering. "Archie's out. Said he needed to do something," he'd then whispered something under his breath, but Jim heard it.

"What ever that meant." He chuckled and soon Douxie did too, catching on. "But Nari's upstairs resting. Y'know a goddess needs there beauty sleep." Jim gave a scoff at that. Silence hung over them. His heart raced a little when he realized the blue dyed hair male was lazily staring at him. When he stepped closer making Jim look up. Hand coming closer to lift a strand of hair from Jim's face to curl behind his ear. Palm then pressed to his cheek and instinctively Jim leaned into the warm touch, and they smiled like the love sick couple they were.

When Douxie slowly came to meet the others face, Jim's attention caught when he lightly touched under the wizard's eye. Douxie had then frozen, surprised by the simple yet odd action until Jim explained his reasoning.

"Have you been sleeping?"

Douxie leaned back into a straight position and Jim pulled his hand away as well. The once apprentice seemed to hesitate, before nodding along before verbally saying "Yes."

The shorter had narrowed his eyes at him, completely doubting every letter in his answer and the way the truth was right before him in the dark circles around those pretty hazel eyes.

So he simply sighed and said nothing. He leant up and pecked the wizard softly on his cheek.

And he decided right there and then that he'd talk to Douxie about sleeping more right before he left. It wasn't like he didn't see nor understand the situation. To put it simply, Douxie was having alot of disadvantages with having to watch over a goddess that evil wants to use to take over the world. As for one of them, it's sleeping. And he'd just straight up lied infront of his boyfriends face like it meant nothing.

Sometimes Jim really wondered if he's even taking care of himself. But for now he didn't let it bug him, instead opting to enjoy as much time with him as he can before he leaves, and having to have that serious conversation.

After talking about everyone back home at Arcadia and how life with Nari and Archie has been (leaving out the major difficulties from his part) they'd then retired to Douxie's room taking a peek at Nari for a bit beforehand. There, Jim felt it was slightly a little warmer taking off his jacket though Douxie had warned him.

So when they came to sit and watch a movie, he'd ultimately regretted taking off his jacket but decided he could just sit and stay still for now.


So here they are now. If the cold weren't biting his pale skin he'd probably be enjoying whatever movie was showing up on screen. But he couldn't and he was struggling more and more to not shiver.

He'd be lieing if he said he didn't almost jump out of his very skin when Douxie leaned his raven head of hair on his shoulder. Jim almost melted when he felt the warmth from his body erupting with heat.

It was when you'd probably just got off work, working in an office all day long with AC turned up and it being the middle of the night, it might be colder out. So when you finally hop into bed buried in a warm burrito blanket, weariness finally kicking in as you drive off to sleep, huddled close in the warm fabric, making you even more tired knocking you right out. That was the type of warmth Jim felt. Right here and now.

And even just as the light snores began to erupt from the other next to him he smiled down at him before slowly placing his head on top of the wizard's. Eyes almost shutting in that warmth, in that moment he heard a hushed mumbled out whisper from the sleepy boy. "Jim," he'd said "I... I love you,"

Shocked, he'd only managed to just widen his eyes. But when he realized it was all real he'd smiled at the wizard's unconscious words. And he didn't stop smiling until he succumbed to the darkness. Only those simple words trapped on his mind, burnt into memory. He knew he'd never forget them either...


Claire: Tell him you love him when you get there


Claire: Just do it!


Toby: You owe me Claire

Douxie said it first!

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