3řđ Ţīmēş Ťhë Çhąŕm

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Douxie had woken up at (unholy if anything) hour, as he'd like to put it and had went to the kitchen to hydrate himself. Even when they say it's bad for ones self to drink before going to bed. However, as he climbed under the sheets, minutes passed by where he never got blessed to be sent into darkness. He thought he needed to wear his night-attire and that he did, only having to stare up at the dark ceiling in frustration of not getting to doze off in peace. So he store on in boredom, listening to the night and world outside. An uninvited, but obviously welcomed, guest waltz into the room and under the sheets. As he pretended to sleep as the other cuddled close to him, he found himself slowly drifting off to the dark void/unknown. Silently thanking the green demi goodness in a simple whisper.


He had been turning and shifting between the wrinkled sheets for a while now.

Just trying to get comfortable...

Flipping over to the right, laying on his side, he finally opened his eyes to the still dark room. Hazel eyes roaming around it caught sight of his clock that sat up on the bedside table next to him.


With a low groan he climbed from under the sheets, letting his feet hang off the bed as he sat up. Rubbing his tired eyes as he stifled a yawn he decided on hedding to the kitchen.

Douxie eventually left his room walking down the hallway and making his way to the stairs. His feet carefully tip-toe-ing as to not wake up the demigoddess and his associate.

A sigh of relief came from him as he reached his destination. Stood hunched over the open fridge, he took out a bottle of water.

(A bo'tle a wa'uh plz) british ppl be like:]

Closing the fridge, popping the cap off the bottle, he looked at the paper that got pinned on the refridgerator. Smiling at the memory as he drank the cool refreshing water.

Nari and Archie had completed the small drawing together. The way the small lady had showed such an over joyed expression at the sight of the beautiful colours Douxie had bought at a small store, it was one adorable memory.

It was a cute little piece with the wizard and his familiar, with a small house dribbled in the back and the sun right up in the left corner. Douxie remembers how the demigoddess stuck her tongue out to the edge of her lips in full concentration to finish her art while Archie had been handing out a crayon or two to help out. The crayon against paper scratching in a calming, smooth rhythm. Every now and then the demigoddess would say or even ask with a 'Master Douxie', he'd always look at her with roll of his eyes, a small fond smile playing on his lips. He's not complaining ofcourse, he simply likes the name, he'd go as far as even do a mini cheer over it. And when they were finished, they made the Master Wizard place it where they could be able to see it.

Spinning the cap back on, he placed the bottle back in the fridge. Slowly and silently walking up the stairs and finally turning into his room. His feet leading him all the way. Standing at the door and looking at his untidy bed, he decided on changing into some night clothes, maybe that would help him sleep better. He thought to himself.

He racked his closet until he was clothed in the night-wear, ready for some much needed rest. He crawled under the covers once again that night. He untensed his mucles after a couple minutes and it felt like it was just the time for him to finally doze off.


It felt like  hours before he could finally sleep. His mind kept buzzing over every memory he's had. Ofcourse he got frustrated at this and turned over from his side, looking up at the ceiling.

He flung his hand over his hazel eyes hating how the night's turning out to be. Is he even going to get a decent rest? It's like he's been up for hours on end.

From outside he could hear the crickets chirping and the wind howling against his glass window. Removing his hand from across his face, he laid it next to him on his pillow. And looked up at the ceiling, mind wandering, with eyes spacing out. When he thought about it wasn't all that bad.

Yeah, who am I kidding.

He needed sleep, he can't be staying up all night being sleep deprived. Working all day to keep his family safe form the Arcane Order, doing a part time job at a restaurant and still having to do house work on top of all that. Sometimes there are other things on the side. But Archie and Nari had made to remind him that at times he needed to take a break. And each time spent with them was heaven. Though he wouldn't always admit that.

Quickly he turned over on his side when he heard someone open the door, which was quite faint but he heard it either way. Closing his eyes he pretended to sleep when they came under his cover. He felt small hands curl around his abdomen and a face smush into his chest, cuddling into him softly. He felt them, after a couple seconds make lil snores.

He carefully wrapped his arm around their small frame. Pulling them close to his body, as to not wake them. He leaned his chin on her head. A small smile carving its way onto his face. Soon enough, he felt at peace, and he whispered a small 'thank you' to the demigoddess... Oblivion finally taking him...

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