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36 1 4

After Krel moved away, Douxie tried to move on. Though the mark on everyone's wrist, anyone really, he's ever served at work kept reminding him. Way worse when they stop and chat him up with how they met their soulmate, like he even asked. Thankfully, August is there to share some of the load. When the Latino did move back, he kept it a secret. Until rainy clouds shadow the sun, with one boy drenched the other sheltered, finally reunited...

#cliffhanger #sorry #krexie #one-sided love #August&Douxie #ANGST #sorry- again:D


"We'll contact each other everyday, okay?" The Latino held out his pinky, Douxie smiling at the habit they both have developed over time. It really wasn't necessary but he knew they'd keep to their shared promise. So he linked his finger with Krel, looking up at the boy with nothing but love and a little sadness. "Always," as they stood on dew grass Krel's parent's called out to him.

Douxie saw the glistening tears from the shorter boys eyes and he pulled him in for a hug. His heart pounding with how much he'd miss Krel. Why was this all happening on his front lawn in broad daylight? Why did they have to say goodbye? Krel didn't even get to stay longer to graduate from high school.

When they pulled away the taller caught the other boy's lips in a longing kiss. Trying the hold this moment in deep memory. He still couldn't believe Krel was moving away. Possibly never coming back. To him.

And before he knew it, Krel was walking away to that old red car, Douxie left standing as he watched it drive away. And he kept watching as it turned a corner, watching as it was out of sight. And Krel was gone. He let that sink in... His boyfriend was gone...

That promise, wasn't held to it's fulfilments and it was nothing but a sad reminder of how two became one in such a short matter of time...


He had just came back from the little store just a small way from his home. A black cat curling around his legs as soon as he stepped foot inside his empty house. With one bag in hand he bent to scratch the feline under his neck. It purred with content and Douxie went about to put away the contents from the bag.

Taking the stairs to his room, he entered the black and blue decorated area and checked his calendar. "Okay, bills... Work, work, work- " he stopped himself already exhausted for the next couple days. Then his brows furrowed on one specific date, "birthday?"

A sound was heard under him and he saw Archie looking up at him sitting patiently on the floor. "I'm coming, just give me a sec," he studied back the days again, his birthday was just in a weeks time from now. Douxie sighed as Archie cried again and he walked from his room to feed the impatient cat that followed closely behind with light steps.

Douxie knew he couldn't run away from the truth. In just a week he would be twenty, soon see letters written in dark ink on his wrist. He was curious to know what his soulmate's first words to him were, but fear of knowing who it would be.

That guy that asked him out last month that he practically ghosted or that dude that ordered one frappé chino every morning at his work place. Maybe even... Krel.

Douxie's heart fluttered and he cursed himself at the dark skinned face that popped into his mind. Even saying his name got a reaction out him.

That was years ago, he's moved on. Is what he's been to saying himself everyday since that day.

When he poured the box of cat food for Archie, his cat sat, looked at the bowl then up at him, then started crying again. Douxie rolled his eyes. Bloody hell, his friend was right, he so needed a life.

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