À 9ØØyr ôld wīzãrd pláçêd ã hōūßë õñ fírè. Hêlp...

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Jim is told of how he'd have quiye a surprise in store for him when he got home. Infact, it was a surprise neither of the boys expected. What he planned out to be a simple meal for two, came out as a backfired moment that the two heroes shall never forget. A house on fire but never the less a lovely night...


He stepped into the store, happy for the warmth that suddenly washed over him. Walking in he sets off for an isle. Every step he takes he sees christmas decor all over the place. Each corner providing a small christmas art or decor giving the place a fuzzy feeling.

The trollhunter smiles at the thought and gives a short exhale of mist puffing from his parted lips, he unconsiously lifts the scarf that was wrapped around his neck (given as a present for the season), sniffing the scent and breathing out again. He shivered, although he was just as bundled up like everyone else and for the fact that the store wasn't all that cold just slightly chilly. So it confused Jim when he shivered and cuddled up close in his outfit.

Speaking of confused, Jim doesn't even remember why he came to the store or more really he doesn't remember what he came for. That's why he's been walking isle by isle every second that passed. It was only fair now that the store owner came up to him.

''Hello sir.'' he greets the elder who smiles back kindly. ''It has been a while Jim. What brings you in here, looking so lost in the season?"

Jim laughs at the comment that Mr. Willer shot him and then replies back, ''Well...'' he starts off, rubbing his nape in embarrasment, ''That's the thing Mr. Willer, I honestly don't remember.'' 

Jim takes note of the way the older yet shorter male shakes his head at his name with a light frown and Jim suddenly recalls how he had said that he doesn't need to be so formal ,''Oh Jim, might I remind you can always call me Will, honestly,''

'''Mr. Willer' makes me feel so old.'' Jim closes his eyes grinning and chuckles, but not from what Mr- Will said, it was his thoughts that had echoed 'but aren't you old'.

He curses himself everytime and then makes a note in his head to remember what Will said.

''So then you said you cannot hark back to what you came for?"

''Well...'' The male starts off looking all over the place, ''I definetly know I came for a reason,'' At least he remembers that- to come get a present for Douixe, as a christmas gift, ''but I just don't know what to get.'' He meets back at the owners eyes and gives a short shrug. Will then turns around after and begins walking. Standing akwardly for a brief moment , Jim follows soon after the man.

Jim listens as he breaks the silence, ''This- what your looking for- is meant as a present to your significant other I presume?'' Jim immediatly flushes at that, all when lowering his head when a big smile appears on his stupid face. Because a certain Douxie popped up in his head and he couldn't stop himself from blushing. Even if the wizard wasn't there in the present time, he could imagine his face, his raven head, deep hazel eyes- aaaand he's babbling...

Looking back up not even bothering to hide his small blush, he simply gives a nod at the shop owner. The other simply smiles with the state that his well known customer was placed in. They continue to walk in silence for a bit, and then they turn into another isle. ''Jim,'' he starts off, ''the thing with finding a gift for a person that close to you can be tricky. Albiet, it all comes down to questioning your self 'do i want this to be perfect'.'' 

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