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21 1 4

While at Jim's house, he and Douxie joke around in the kitchen. But all fun and games come to an end when an unexpected guest makes quite an entrance. Douxie comes face to face with someone he didn't think he'd manage to actually see, and a warning is given that could potentially mess up the timeline. And when the wizard is forced to pick a side Jim doesn't want it to be like that.

"I'm telling you, Jim, I'm the next great wizard!" Douxie exclaimed, his eyes sparkling as they held a bright gleam. Jim has been starting to miss that in his kind eyes. Recently, it's been dull and lonely.

Jim chuckled, shaking his head. "You're not even the next great wizard of this kitchen, Douxie!"

There was silence as Douxie frowned playfully, then the two bursted out laughing again. It really was a good idea to have Douxie over for even a day or two. Every moment spent with him was always something the trollhunter looked forward to. And when day turned to night the two would be behind closed doors as Jim interrogated the older about things he's seen and where he's been. And the wizard was more than happy to share his past experiences. As much as Jim was excited to listen.

As they packed away dishes together, their carefree bubble bursted at the sound of Jim's front door swinging open. The two exchange glances and run out toward the sound. It was their duty after all, running after danger. Both gasped at the sight of another wizard, eyes darker than midnight, clothing in pure black and a really expressionless expression.

Douxie's eyes widened as he took in the sight of his future self standing before him.

"Douxie,'' he steps in, ''we need to talk," Future Douxie said, his voice low and firm.

Jim's eyes darted between the two Douxie's, sensing the tension in the air. "What's going on?" he asked, his voice laced with concern and a little confusion.

Future Douxie's gaze locked onto Jim and although his eyes were coal black, Jim still felt the stare "The timeline is at risk, Jim. A crucial decision is about to be made, and the consequences will be catastrophic if we don't act now."

It unnerved both the teens at the way Douxie's doppelganger tilted his head slightly as he spoke.

Douxie's mind raced as he tried to process the warning. "What decision? What are you talking about?"

Future Douxie's eyes narrowed. "You'll know soon enough. But for now, know that you must choose wisely. The fate of the world depends on it."

Jim stepped forward, his voice steady. "What do you mean? What choice could be that important?"

Future Douxie's eyes squinted at the trollhunter, "The Council of Wizards will soon approach Douxie with a proposition. They will ask him to join their ranks, to wield his power for their gain. But beware, Jim, for if Douxie accepts, the consequences will be dire."

Douxie's eyes widened in shock. "Join the Council? But why would I ever do that?"

Future Douxie's voice was grave. "They will promise you power beyond your wildest dreams, Douxie. Telling you that if you were to wield such a thing, you could protect everything and everyone you've ever loved. But it comes at a steep price. Your soul."

"And in the future... you accepted."

Douxie was still at disbelief of the mere possibility that his future self was even here. But if that's really true then, the future must be really bad. Cause in many of Douxie's days he's known one thing that his Master Merlin engraved in his brain that stuck with him for centuries: never meddle with time. And either way, his future self was standing in the doorway in front of them. And all he could ask of himself, is what went wrong?

"I- wait, I still don't understand-"

His other half interrupted, "Come with me," he outstretched his hand, "I'll explain on the way."

Jim looked between the two and didn't the like the horrible feeling in his gut telling him to not let Douxie go.

So he stepped in, "Wait a minute, can't we just talk here- now-"

"No! We haven't got time to waste, if you care at all for your friends life's Douxie must come with me. Alone," both the dark and blue eyes store down each other until Douxie grabbed at Jim's shoulders walking them backwards a little. Asking the other Douxie to give them some time.

"5 minutes." He replied turning back to stand on the porch.

Jim looks up at his friend, "Doux, you can't-"

"Think of it as this, I go and see for myself if it's all true, we can still save people," Douxie stresses, hoping Jim could see it in his eyes and understand, "What if it's not?" The Casperan sighs, "Look Jim, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't dream of playing around with time and space, it's something you're not to mess with, and I've learned many, many times already. So please, trust me when I say, that I'll be fine."

Jim sighed, looking away. Okay. He guessed he couldn't change the others mind, but he'd still be here sticking by his side. He just couldn't bare to lose him, again.

He nods and swallows the hurting lump in his throat. But in those hazel eyes he could also see fear and little tears. The wizard stood straight ruffling the younger's raven head. "'Sides, when I return, I'm pretty I'll be the greatest wizard." They both laughed. "We'll see about that, Doux."

"Right, then," and with that, he turned and walked to his doppelganger. Jim promised himself he wouldn't be too concerned for the other's safety, he was a Master Wizard after all-

"Be safe, Doux..."

-he only wished he could hug him goodbye...

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