Chapter 1- Well, I got shot.

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He looked at you with his now dark eyes as he scanned your features. You maintained your innocent face as you tried your new trick. Left eye, lips, right eye, smile, bite lip. This sent him because he crashed his face into yours passionately. Grabbing you face on both sides. You tried not to gag as he did this because you had to keep your cover. This was your mission and you just had to go for it

His tongue pushed at your mouth demanding for entrance. You allowed as his hands went lower until he gabbed you ass and pulled it over so you straddled him. You knew there wasn't to much longer so you just grabbed his hair and tugged, earning a sound from his lips. He continued to hold onto you when suddenly your com link went off.

You jumped up which caused him to bite you lip. You rubbed it while saying, "I gotta go, bye!" And you sprinted out of there. Once out of the apartment and tracking down the stairs you flipped you wrist com so it was on the inside of you forearm and answered.

"Hey Master!" You exclaimed.

"Hello y/n, we made it in and out all in one piece and we are headed back to the temple now." As she was saying this you weren't really paying attention because you put your compact in you hand while fixing your lipstick and looking at your new bleeding bite mark. Plus you had gotten outside and were running down a crowded street.

"Y/n!" This caught your attention and your eyes flicked back, "are you even paying attention!?" Ok, she was definitely mad.

"Of course Master!" Just as you responded you got a sharp pain in your leg which caused you to fall. You fell face first onto the pavement with your arms and legs spread out. Splat. You chuckled at you own thoughts but soon stopped as you grabbed your leg and it was bleeding. This wasn't a normally blaster but you need to run, so you grabbed your mirror and secured your com link than sprinted down a smaller alley. 

You saw a bar stuck between the two buildings and tried to force jump to it. Your jump was a little wonky as you were very one sided at the moment. You still caught hold though, and flung around than up. You sprinted across the rooftops, jumping every 6-10 steps. You saw the temple and it was about two miles away from you original location, so you were now only a half mile away.

You jumped down from the roof to someone's speeder and speeder hopped until you got closer to the ground. You duck and rolled off of the last green speeder. You were right at the door of the temple as you checked your leg, yep still bleeding, and walked inside.

"Y/N!" Your master screamed at you. Oh yeah she was a little mad. "Why did you hang up on me I had very important information to tell you about and the you just left!" She towered over you since she was very tall and you were now slouching.

"Well, Master, I got shot..." You responded showing her your leg.

"Ugh, y/n, your going to be the death of me kid." She pinched her nose and sighed cooling off now.

"Don't say that, master, you're the closest thing I have to family." You replied a little saddened.

She just gave you a small smile and sighed, "You have been requested into the council room for a mission."

"Oh, ok." You we're excited for a new mission and you started to walk off after you fixed your posture. "Aren't you coming?" You asked you master over you shoulder when she didn't follow. 

"This one's just you kid." She smirked at you. You almost gasped as you had never had a mission without your master. 

Sure, you were responsible at times but the council never really saw that side of you. They just always called you reckless and undisciplined, so clearly they never talked to your master about this. You chuckled at the thought as you kept walking toward the room. You were elated that you would have you very own.


You fell, again. Your right leg was out to the side and you grabbed it as you fell which made it hurt 10 times worse as well as staining your hand red. You looked at your hand than your leg not even realizing the feet in front of you.

"Oh I'm so sorry, let me help you up!" You knew that voice too well.

"Master Obi-Wan?!"

"Y/n!? I wasn't expecting to see you here, on the floor of all places." He laughed to himself

"Hey! Remember your the one who put me here." You defended in a joking manner.

"Oh yes, and I'm terribly sorry." He responded sincerely. As he held out his left hand to you as you took it in your left. Once up you wiped your hands on you light robes since the was already a pool of blood on your calf.

"What are you doing back here, Master?"

"Oh please y/n, call me Obi-Wan. There's no need for formalities. And my padawan and I just received new mission orders."

"Anakin's here?" You quickly asked. The thought of him made your stomach to flips. Your anger with him always stayed there, but there was another feeling.

"Oh yes, I doubt he will go any where without me for a while." Obi-Wan chuckled

"He always was reckless."

"As I remember, so we're you." He teased.

"As a matter of fact, I'm being assigned a mission without my master right now!" You spoke back to his teasing.

"Well than you better get in there!"

"Oh yeah, bye Obi-Wan!"

"Good-bye, I hope to see you again soon."

"Same here." You called sincerely as you rushed off to the council room. You got to the doors about to knock when a voice came from inside.

"Come in, you may." You opened the door with your good hand as you were faced with a lot of jedi masters. Sure you looked older than you were but you were only 17 and this was a little intimidating. Knowing as little as you did, all you could do was hope for the best and put on your confident facade. Master Kio hadn't told you anything about this mission. You could just be watching the younglings like you often did. But something felt different about this time.

"A new mission, you have." The little green alien spoke breaking you out of your thoughts. You walked towards the center of the room and stood tall waiting for your orders.


Hey guys thanks for reading, things with be getting good shortly and I hope to update often so keep reading! Love ~ E

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