Chapter 7- Naboo!

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"Ready?" Padme asked with a joyful smile.

"Always." Anakin responded as you all started walking towards the door. You walking in a comfortable silence until you got outside.

"So how'd it go in there?" You asked, a little confused about what they even did.

"Good, mostly like every other meeting. But it was nice to be in person. We just discussed a bit about every topic that needed addressing. We will have a more in depth meeting soon." She explained this while walking towards a carriage. 

Carriages were common on Naboo, no one wanted the beautiful scenery to be destroyed by speeders or other forms of transport. It was a square-ish shape with a man sitting in the front. There were two horse-like creatures who moved it in the right direction but the weight was on the thrusters that made it hover.

Everyone hopped in and Padme let the driver know you were ready. You would be at the house in no time. There you would meet Padmes family, her happy full family.


Once you had arrived at the door there was two little girls playing there. They smiled and ran towards Padme giggling. The girl in the orange dress hugged her while the girl in the blue dress got distracted by R2. After the hug the girls played with him jumping around while he made noises that didn't mean anything. Padme signaled for you to follow her as she walked inside, so you did. You weren't fully inside when you heard a scream and a laugh and then a sound of impact. You sped over a bit, but it was another woman hugging Padme. 

She was taller, with dark brown hair and strong features. You could see some resemblance between the two. When she pulled away, still holding onto Padme, she smiled at her and twisted a piece of her hair.

"I'm so glad to see you!" The woman exclaimed as you and Anakin stood to the side observing. The two of you didn't know what it was like to have such a close relationship with someone because they were family. Anakin had his mom but hadn't seen her since he was seven, so they weren't that close. You, on the other hand, had no one.

"Oh, y/n! Anakin! This is my sister Sola!" Padme had now turned around and was holding her hands out to her sister, who gave a little wave.

"Hi!" You both smiled, Anakin waved.

"It's so nice to meet you guys! I've heard a lot about you." At this you were confused, you had only known Padme for two days. But you could guess that they talked a lot since Padme was off-planet. You just smiled.

Sola walked towards you and took your arm, then started to walk away. You were a bit shocked at the sudden movement of being pulled away. Anakin stepped to follow you but Padme blocked him. Padme was his mission, he should stay with her.

"So," She whispered, "How's things with you and Anakin?" She was smiling a huge smile at you while leaning down a bit to be at your ear.

"What? Ummm. We're good, I guess."

"Oh come on! I already know your dating!" She exclaimed louder than originally.

"What?! Oh no, we're just friends. Good friends, that's all." You're face felt hot, and you were trying to get out of this situation.

"Interesting." Is all she said before walking in front of you, back to the group where the girls were playing with Anakin. He was sat on the floor with the girl in blue behind him, playing with his braid, and the girl in orange asking him questions.

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