Chapter 31- That's Sweet

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~Anakin's POV~

The droids told me that I could leave now, but I didn't want to. They had brought in new clothes for me and I changed into them reluctantly. I didn't want to leave, this was as close as I could get to Y/n for a while. I couldn't feel her and it felt like the light in my life was fading. Still, I knew that I shouldn't stay in a hospital room that I'm not using.

I got off the bed where I had sat in the same spot for longer than I'm willing to count. Then I left the room and looked at the watch on my comms. 11:21. I had been in there for so long but Y/n would be here for longer.

Peaking into her room, I saw the droids moving around her non-stop. All of her small cuts had small bandages and her arms had long thick sleeves made from bandages. I sighed and with shaky steps, I continued forward. She would want me to keep on living, she would want me to take care of our padawans. That's what I will do.

I walked into the library even though I didn't expect them to be there, I checked anyway. They weren't there. Now I assumed they were in bed but I sensed something that I couldn't quite place. So I followed it and it led me to the quarters, specifically Y/n's quarter.

My hand shook as it went to open the door but I got there eventually. Then I could see Ashoka and Auren sitting on the ground leaning on Y/n's bed. They were asleep, with a blanket and a book on their laps. Ashoka's head was on Auren's shoulder and they were both curled up in the blanket.

The blanket, with speeders and flowers. The blanket Y/n and I made when we were kids. They must have taken it out of a drawer along with the book. For the first time since this morning, I smiled a genuine smile. I knew they missed Y/n but if they could cope so could I.

I walked over and took the open book from Auren's lap. I put a bookmark in her spot and placed it next to them on the floor. 'Breaking the Rules' was the name of the book and I chuckled. That's a great book for our padawans to be reading, thanks Y/n.

After I pulled up the blanket on the two of them, making sure they were comfortable. I closed the door and went to my quarters that are just down the hall. I went into my room and lay down on my bed, closing my eyes. I just wanted Y/n back.

"Anakin," A faint whisper said from next to me.

I flung up and opened my eyes.


No one.

I was going insane.

I laid back down and cleared my head. I didn't want to be crazy, I just wanted her back. I just wanted to see her smile again and to see her eyes light up when she gazed at the sky. I wanted-


I shot up again and again there was no one. After laying back down I placed my hands on my head. Why did this have to be happening tonight? Are these the voices that Y/n talked about having to block out?

"No, those are different." It was her voice, I would always recognize her voice. "That's sweet."

"Leave me alone. You're not real. Y/n is in the hospital room.

"Well you're not wrong, she is there. But she's also here."

I placed my pillow on my face, "Stop."

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