Chapter 8- Taking care of others

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Padme had came back out in a different outfit. This wasn't the first time she made an impromptu wardrobe change, but it was still funny to you. You, who wore different versions of the same outfit everyday.

The evening went smoothly, chatting, then dinner, then bed. You and Anakin actually had different rooms this time. This may be because Padme couldn't get away with it a second time. Your room was stunning, like everything, with a view out onto the beach. You had taken off your poncho and changed into sleepwear.

You unpacked your book, that you forgot was in an old robe. And unpacked a few of your less 'jedi-y' apparel choices. Then you stood on the balcony, just taking in the ocean air. When you finished, it was late, so you went to bed.


You woke up about three am from some disturbance in the force. You couldn't quite place it, but it felt like danger with a little safety. You pulled a robe on over your pajamas. The feeling contradicted itself over and over as you waked towards where it came from. You found a troubled Anakin staring out a kitchen window.

His arms were dangling by his side and he didn't look fully conscious. But every once in a while, his head would shake as if shaking a bad thought away. You walked slowly towards him, hoping not to scare him in his fragile state. You'd never seen him like this before.

When you got close enough to put your hand on his shoulder his head darted around. He looked angry at first and then curious. His eyes studied your features as if everything was new. It was making you a bit self conscious because maybe he didn't like what he sees.

As if he heard what you said his head flung back towards the window. He was staring at the dark sky erupting from the mountains. You reached your hand up to his shoulder and in a soft voice, you whispered.

"Anakin?" Your voice was barely audible but he slowly looked back at you. Now your hand was on his shoulder and he stared at it.

"What's wrong?" At first you wanted to ask if he was alright, but that clearly wasn't the case. He continued Ed to stare at your hand for a moment before responding.

"Nothing, go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you." It sounded a bit harsh.

"It's fine, I just want to talk" When he didn't answer, you decided to dive a bit deeper. You couldn't help him if you didn't know anything.

"Are the nightmares back?" He gave a nod so small you would've missed it if you weren't intently watching his face.

"Who are they about?" 

When you were kids he used to have these about everyone. They say jedi don't dream but you both did. Yours were about happier times, his about pain. They always seemed to come true. 

He just looked at you with so much pain. His blue eyes, no longer oceans, but tears. His beautiful smile, no longer joyous, but pained. You knew who it was, it had to be.

"What's happened?"

"She will die, and it will be painful," His features contorted as he spoke, you could feel his pain and it hurt, "She will scream and yell, but no one will hear her."

"How long do we have?"

"A week."

This wasn't how long until she was dead, but how long until you had to leave. You had no answer, no way to cure his pain. But you had a hug. Once you walked in front of him, he didn't meet your gaze. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tucked your face into the side. He didn't react for a few moments, but eventually wrapped his arms around your waist. Then he rested his head on your shoulder.

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