Chapter 19- The letter

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Dear Y/n,

     If you ever get to read this, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't quick enough to save you from them but if you are alive, I found you eventually. Now that you're back, you should know that I thought about you every day. Even though I lost my arm and wasn't able to search for you physically, I tried through the force. I searched for you every day and I couldn't find you. That pained me more than anything ever could.

I sent Padme and Obi-Wan to get information about you and they tried their best too. We all tried and I'm sorry it took so long. I'm sorry that you had to go through what you must have been going through. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. Everyone here is sorry, they all missed you. The light in their lives was missing.

Obi-Wan couldn't bring himself to continue a daily routine. His hair grew wild and his beard became untamed. Padme asked the council about you constantly. She drowned herself in work trying to find you.

Younglings wanted to find you as well. Some knew you had gone on a mission to Naboo but they knew you would be back by now. Obi-Wan tried to talk to them when they asked but he couldn't bring himself to say that he didn't know where you were. Master Yoda tried to calm their suspicions, but now that you're back you should check on them. 

I became a master today and I didn't have to go through the trials. They said I went up against a sith and that proves that I should be a master. But I don't feel that way, I failed them and I failed you. I kept on looking beside me to find you but you weren't there and it was my fault. The council told me that I would get my very own battalion soon but it won't be the same without you.

What I'm trying to explain is that you mean everything to everyone. Everyone at the temple wanted to know where you were, they all knew something was wrong. You are worth more to us than you will ever know and I love you more than all the galaxies combined.

                           Love, Anakin


Tears filled your eyes as you scanned the letter. He must've written this soon before you were found. Your book was set on top next to the letter along with your light saber, which you pocketed. You placed the letter to the side and unpacked your clothing that was left untouched. After you finished unpacking your clothes you just sat there.

He was right, you should visit the younglings soon. But the thing that stuck out to you the most was how much you loved him back. He could be in danger. No, no, no. He wasn't in danger, this mission would be safe for him. It was only a negotiation, right?

You felt through the force to sense Anakin. He held tightly to his lightsaber that rested on his hip. No, no, no. Obi-Wan stood next to him, hands behind his back. In front of them was the sith. She was around the same height as Obi-Wan and was incredibly pale. Two black lines were running down her face on either side. Black hair was pulled tightly into a bun on the back of her head. She was wearing mostly black with highlights of purple and blue.

She was talking to them, walking closer. Laughing at them. It was a trap.

You placed the letter and book inside and slammed your suitcase. Jumping up, you ran out of the room. You knew you had to slow down and walk through the halls. You guided yourself through the walls that seemed to be closing in. Once you got to the hangar, you heard familiar beeping behind you.

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