Chapter 9- Riding like a Cowgirl

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The food was amazing, and a very weird assortment. You'll give it to Anakin that there wasn't much food in the lake house. And he made and amazing picnic basket. But there was everything from fruit to some meat sandwiches that you didn't want to touch. Padme had one, she said it was normal on Naboo. Most of it wasn't appealing to you, but the fruit was to die for.

You had been mainly eating and not talking since you were incredibly hungry. So we're Padme and Anakin, since they were scarfing down food as well. Once you had slowed down, because of fullness. You had all started to talk.

"Does everyone have a padawan braid?" Padme asked suddenly.

"Well, everyone that grows hair has one," You pulled yours out from the back of your hair, "And you get little bands to put on them." Having a hold of your braid, you pulled at the bottom yellow one.

"The yellow bands mean your trained in lighsaber skills and fighting, but there's all sorts of colors. Like white, for healing. Or red for piloting." You glanced at Anakin. "Anakin has a red one and a yellow," You paused, "Do you have a blue one?"

"Nope." He responded after swallowing. "I should be getting one soon though, that's what Obi-Wan said." He smiled and continued to eat.

"Yeah? Oh and the blue one is mechanics and stuff." You explained to Padme, who nodded and smiled.

"Why don't you have a red one? Don't all jedi learn to fly?" She only looked a bit confused, but you could feel she wasn't entirely sure if she should ask.

"Oh I learned, I just don't like to. That's all. If I wanted one I could ask my master for one and she could get it." You tried to keep a cheerful mood hoping she wouldn't feel bad for asking. 

Anakin looked at you out of the corner of his eye. He knew that you wouldn't tell her the whole truth, but he didn't know where you were going with it.

"And I have a white one at the top of my braid, just from learning the basics really. If you have to watch the younglings in any thing other than an emergency, you have to learn just a bit." You we're trying to show her the top of your braid bit it wasn't working very well.

"You've watched the younglings before?" Padme and Anakin asked at the same time in different tones. Padmes was curious about jedi life and teaching. Anakin was surprised they had you anywhere near them.

You elbowed him in the arm to which he grabbed his bicep.

"Yeah, since I was on planet enough," You looked at Anakin, "They would often put me with them."

"Were you in charge of them?" Padme questioned as Anakin stayed silent.

"Oh no, no, no. I just helped out with master Yoda. Helping with lighsaber techniques and meditation." You somewhat enjoyed the experience, especially getting to know them. Most of the younglings knew your name and liked to be around you. Especially Ashoka, Barriss, and Auren.

"Did you like watching them?" Anakin asked with a interesting tone in his voice. He was generally asking because he was curious.

"Yeah, most of them are pretty nice. So it's fun, most of the time." The part that wasn't fun was seeing the little girl who looked just like you. Her name was Auren and she had the same hair you had when you were her age. The same eyes, the same face shape, even a similar voice. It hurt to spend time with her, but you were friends.  You couldn't just leave her for stupid reasons. Plus no one really knew what she meant to you. You looked different now and most people at the temple weren't very close to you when you were young. 

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