Chapter 15- On the other hand

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~Anakin's POV~

Y/n was thrown to the ground after she had stood so tall. Her elbows were on the ground along with her head. And then again, her head was smashed onto the floor. She looked up at him, flipping her hair back. Her essence of defiance shocked me in her fragile state. Blood dripped down from her forehead and ran across her face.

"You are truly gripping. Do the voices ever stop?"

Voices? He must've been trying to get inside her head. Or he was inside her head.

"No, but I've learned to block them out." She didn't sound like she wanted to answer, she sounded like she was forced.

"Hmm. Ahh, your breaking the code just like my padawan."

What code did Qui-Gon break?

"So did you." 

I didn't even process what she said before she went flying up and then towards his hand. Her neck landed in his hand as he squeezed her windpipe. Her eyes looked like they were going to close soon.

"Y/n!" I yelled, unable to control myself.

Her lightsaber fell and she just looked at me and smiled. She wasn't scared for her own life, she always told me that. But she had to be, how could she not care about if she lived? Her smile was beautiful though, it could light up a whole room if it wasn't in a situation like this.

I heard steps from behind me and I tilted my head that was still laying on my masters foot. Master Yoda had begun to walk in the doorway. But as soon as I looked at him I heard a thud and I shot my head back towards Y/n. She was laying almost lifeless on the floor. I could feel her light but it was soft and almost gone.

"Y/n!" I cried again, why couldn't she just wake up. Dooku smiled at me like he knew something but then his attention was taken by Master Yoda. He walked into the building and stared at all the destroyed. Me with my arm cut off, Obi-Wan with slices in his arm and leg, and Y/n who couldn't move. His gaze stayed on her as if he feared she wouldn't wake up. But she had to, I needed her to wake up. I needed her.

Her arms were tossed across her side as she looked almost peaceful. But the blood drying on her face seemed to ruin the feeling. I couldn't bare to see her like that and yet I couldn't take my eyes away. If she woke up I had to see her as soon as she did, but it was a big if.

Dooku walked towards Yoda and said something sarcastic but I couldn't hear it. My eyes were glued to Y/n, whose chest was now rising and falling. I heard lightsabers ignite and steps quicken, but she just laid there unbothered. 


A concrete pillar broke towards the bottom and began to fall on Obi-Wan and I. Yoda stuck out his hand and caught it but it took more effort than that. He dropped his lighsaber as Dooku ran towards his ship. On the way he grabbed Y/n and threw her over his shoulders Ike a sack of potatoes. I tried to yell but my voice had grown hoarse from quick breathing and yelling. All I could do was watch her fly away in a ship with the enemy.


Yoda and some clone troopers had helped us get out of the hangar. One of them had grabbed Y/n's lightsaber and was keeping it safe. I heard that Padme was alright and that she had actually tried to fire at Dooku's ship. I had been put to sleep on a medical ship that was on route to Coruscant. Obi-Wan was in the room next to me and it didn't take long to get there. They bandaged up my arm and told me that they would get me a prosthetic on Coruscant but I would have to wait. I didn't want a new arm but I mean, I really didn't have a choice.

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