Chapter 12- Mothers, am I right?

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"Hmm?" Whatever you were laying on vibrated, it was probably Anakin. Hopefully it was Anakin.

"Y/n, you need to wake up." His voice was soft but he sounded distressed.

"Whyyy?" You groaned and finally opened your eyes. He was still laying down but he was looking at you with depressed eyes. "What happened?" You asked sitting up a bit.

"It's my mother."


"Ok, I'm up." You sat up entirely, untangling your limbs from Anakin's. You set with you legs bent and arms on your knees. You leaned your head on your arms still trying to wake up when you felt the bed move. It wasn't supposed to happen this quickly, you were supposed to have more time. You needed more time. You felt a hand caress the back of your head and you looked up.

"I'm sorry." Anakin apologized in a very soft voice, you reached you and touched his face.

"No, no, it's okay. I just wish we had more time. But, what are we going to do about Padme?" She was the mission after all.

"I thought you would stay here with her." He muttered, moving his hand to yours that was resting on his face.

"No, I won't stay here." You responded stubbornly.

"Y/n." He sighed and his head fell.

"Look at me, Anakin." He brought his head slightly, "If you get hurt there, I could never forgive myself." He just nodded and avoided your gaze again. "I will come with you, and I guess Padme will too."

"Ok." You would never know how he was really feeling, you wouldn't understand. You never had real family, only the one you had found. All you could do was comfort him the best you could. So you placed your forehead on his and held his hands.

"I will always be here for you. Anytime you need me, I'm here. You don't ever have to be sorry." You could feel his mood change in a positive way, but the distress was still there. "Let's go get Padme." You took your head off of his and smiled at him, he returned it. Climbing up from the bed, you threw anything that was yours into your suitcase. Including your book that you stole from a forbidden room. You were still surprised Anakin knew about it, after all you had stolen it before he came to the temple.


You just arrived at the temple less then a week ago. You were four years old and curious, deadly curious. Little you was mad about something and was thinking of a bomb. Not blowing up a bomb, but a bomb that had gone off. You still had the stitches on your arm. You walked to a door where Master Yoda had guided you away from. On your first day here you were given a tour and this room was one of the only places you were told to stay away from. You could feel the pain radiating off of it so, naturally, you pressed the button that opened it.

Surprisingly, it opened and only with a little struggle. It stopped halfway through opening, but you slipped through. It was freakishly dark but you saw curtains on the wall. You walked over, jumped up, and opened them, basking in the light. Then you turned around to the newly found room. You jumped off of the bed you had kneeled on and a dust cloud appeared, most likely for the second time. Something caught your eye under the pillow, the light shone on the end of it. 

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