Chapter 2- Senators, not the creepy ones.

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          Thank the force! This was a good mission not just a "Go watch the younglings" mission but a real mission. You were so excited you could barely stand still during the meeting. You would be protecting a senator of the republic without your master. As soon as you were dismissed you bowed respectfully then walked out solemnly, but once the doors closed you jumped with glee. This made your leg throb, but you didn't care. Normally you were pretty good at keeping your emotions in check, but today was different.

          You skipped to your master who was in her quarters and you knocked politely before hearing an 'all clear' and walking in. You had to tell her, she meant everything to you. She would be so proud.

          "Guess what master!" You exclaimed not even containing your smile.

          "You got a mission." Master Kio responded blatantly. This made your expression fall for a second but not for long, you plopped down on her bed beside her and explained moving your hands all around when you talked.

         "I'll be protecting Senator Amidala." You gleamed but her expression was made of confusion one- why you were so happy, and two- why it was just going to be you. You picked up on the first and explained.

          "She's like so cool! She protects the galaxy without even having to fight! And she's like never afraid to do what's right!" You almost shouted not realizing how loud you were. As you flopped backwards to lay on her bed. You had always looked up to the senators, they were so cool. Not the chancellor though, he seems weird. 

          "Why is it just you, y/n?" She asked in a strong, dignified manner like always. You two were a great duo, she kept her emotions in check enough for you to let them fly.

          "Do you not think I can do it master?" You asked innocently, but this wasn't an act, you were generally upset at her for thinking like this. Why couldn't you do it! You were just as good as anyone else! Ha, You were as good as Anakin and he's the "Chosen One"! Your expression was now one with a hint of anger as she took long to respond, you sat back up.

          "Of course I think you can do it y/n, that's what I'm afraid of." She replied still stoic. It made you oh so mad that you couldn't read her expressions. But this was new she was never afraid, or at least certainly never admitted to it. Now you were confused and your face showed it as she explained.

         "You're just not always trustworthy, that's all." She explained and than she realized what she just said. "Wait y/n I-"

          "You don't even trust me to do the job!" You yelled getting angrier by the second.

          "It's not that I don't trust you! I... I just-" She stuttered even though she never had before. You saw her pain but you weren't about to stop. Your heart burned with sadness but you couldn't let her think you were a child. You would just take this. With every thought your blood boiled. 

          "That's literally what you just said! You don't trust me, how am I supposed to grow if you don't trust me!" If she doesn't trust you after all this time, will she ever?

          "By being less reckless."

          "Less what?!" You were tired of people throwing this in your face. They always said this, always too reckless. But you were saving other people, you were helping. Even damn Anakin was reckless, and even though you hated his guts, he always got credit for it.

         "You heard me, you're reckless. You don't care." She was staying calm and it was breaking you. Your mind was a battlefield and her's was a sauna. Both had fire but it burns completely different.

          "You taught me everything I know! I'm just like you!" 

         "You see nothing like me. You're so reckless your going to get yourself killed."

           "So I'm so reckless, I'll just die, and it will be your fault! Your not afraid of me dying your afraid of the blame!" Your throat was so dry and sore from yelling, that your words were coming out weird.

          "Yes! You're going to die and no one is going to be there to see you go! You're like a daughter to me Y/n! And if you die, I wouldn't even know what to do!" There were tears falling from her eyes and it appalled you. She didn't show emotion. She never did. But, in the heat of the moment, nothing could bring you back. 

You didn't want to see her face anymore, you wanted to leave. Everyone you loved has hurt you. What did they do to deserve your trust. You should leave. You had a mission and you were going to finish it. Plus you had to wrap your leg.

          "Y/n, I-"

          "Don't." You kept calm but you were fuming and she could feel it through the force. Your anger probably alerted the whole temple, but you didn't care. You didn't want to talk. They always talked, you always listened. But you were tired, tired of everything. You realized there were tears falling from your face. Glaring at your master, you could see how much pain she was in. And your glad you couldn't feel it.

          "Good-bye Master" You said as though the words stung your mouth to say. Forming the sentence broke your heart, but you weren't going to let it stop you. People always hurt you, why did you let them. Why did you always let them trample you like a stampede of wild Shaak's. Than you turned away and walked out, you heard her walk after you but she stopped at her door. She knew should couldn't follow you, if she did, you might kill her. There was no going back, no more attachments.

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