⚡️ Chapter 3 ⚡️

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Mrs. Weasley didn't take long to clean out the bedrooms so they were at least capable of being lived in, given that she was the most adept at it – but there was a lot of other cleaning that needed to be done. All the children were quickly informed that they were going to find something to do once the morning comes around: they were going to help her clean up the entire house up-to-down.

But before that, Vega needed to go back home and get her stuff from the Tonks' Household. She had hoped to do that with Dora but the older female was going to be busy with the Order of the Phoenix meeting down in the basement. Naturally, Fred stepped up with his services, having passed his test.

Vega was ready to go immediately, but she had to deal with Dora being all protective and giving several 'advices' to Fred when Vega had made it very clear that Fred was the nicest person to her.

"Let me remind you," Dora said for the umpteenth time. "Most of our local kids are in love with her, too, they'll sniff you out. They were really unhappy to find that she was dating someone from her boarding school,"

"I'm sure I'll smoke them all out," Fred replied, ever the confident until he caught sight of Vega coming down the stairs to where they were standing. "Oh, there you are, love, let's go!"

"It's about time," Vega mumbled, shaking her head lightly, reaching the ground floor – and she looked over as the basement kitchen door was pushed open.

"Tonks, you're needed downstairs," Mrs. Weasley said and Dora nodded, walking past Vega and ruffling her hair gently as she disappeared. "Vega and Fred, are you both going out?"

"Yes, we'll be back in a few," Vega answered, following Fred to the front door. "I've just to get my school trunk – it has all of my stuff. Aunt Dromeda packed it up for me,"

"Okay," Mrs. Weasley said, nodding but then narrowed her eyes at her son. "You better take her straight to her home and then back here – it's not safe for her to go anywhere else. I'm making dinner so be back in time,"

"Don't you trust me, Mum?" Fred asked. "Of course, I'll take lil' Nova there and back safely – no one's going to lay a hand on her while I'm around," He gently pulled at Vega's cheek.

But there wasn't enough baby fat to be pulled anymore – and that seemed to disappoint Fred briefly. However, he didn't let it show much and held his hand out to her as he stepped outside the house. Vega took it and as she expected of him, he swiftly pulled her to his chest and before she could be surprised or Mrs. Weasley could scold him, there was a crack and they had vanished.

And by the time Vega had been aware of her surroundings again, she was standing out on the dirt road that ran adjacent to the Tonks' Residence. She was still pressed against Fred and turned to look at him in the dark, realising that Dora had made sure to tell him the right address before they left.


"Are we in the right place, love?" Fred asked and Vega nodded, taking his hand as she pulled him along herself down the road. "Oh, that's a relief – it's a confusing address,"

"You can memorise it now," Vega replied as they headed to the garden entrance among the bushes. "My Aunt and Uncle will be home... are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Well, I'm a bit nervous," Fed said but stopped when they saw someone coming down the dirt road.

"Just a neighbour," Vega informed her boyfriend quietly, watching the 13-year-old boy walk past them with a dog on a leash as per a usual evening walk. "Ah, this is going to spread like wildfire,"

"What?" Fred asked as he followed Vega into the garden and closed the door behind himself.

"About you – that I was seen with a boy," Vega answered. "They know that I have a boyfriend, blame Dora for that, and they wanted to see who exactly was it. I don't mind it, to be honest... now that I think about it, they should know how cool my boyfriend looks,"

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