⚡️ Chapter 13 ⚡️

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When Vega woke up again, she could feel someone stroking through her hair. She moved her head up to see that Fred was awake, and when he saw her look up at him, he grinned. Vega gave him a small smile but before she could say anything, she yawned loudly, causing Fred to let out a laugh.

"Good afternoon, love," Fred teased and he watched as Vega's eyes widened. "Don't worry – we don't have anything to do today. Mum is too worried about Harry to try cleaning right now,"

"But your breakfast?" Vega questioned as she straightened up a bit, glancing around to make sure that they were on their own in the room. "George is up? Is he downstairs?"

"I'm not hungry," Fred assured her. "And yeah – he got up a while go," He suddenly chuckled. "You slept so heavily that you didn't wake up even when Mum freaked out,"

"Your Mum?" Vega asked, shocked. "What happened?" Fred just started laughing and Vega smacked his chest to make him stop. "Tell me what happened?"

"Mum couldn't find you and she freaked out," Fred answered, back to laughing again. "She came looking here and almost got a heart attack when she saw that you were here,"

Vega was now freaking out herself, not wanting to imagine what Mrs. Weasley must've thought of them when she found them in a bed together. She grabbed her face, groaning in embarrassment at the thought of that happening – it was the last thing she wanted to happen.

"Don't worry, she still thinks it's me who has been influencing you," Fred commented, watching her reaction. Vega glanced back at him. "But it's their fault for barging into rooms all the time. How can we date if we can't even kiss in peace?"

Fred pulled her back on top of him and wrapped his arms behind her back. Vega noticed then that he had pulled on a shirt and she gave him a confused look, which he caught and understood.

"I can't sleep without a shirt if I want to share a bed with you," Fred told her. "Mum's order – I think it was the lack of shirt that almost caused her a heart attack,"

"That sucks," Vega muttered and Fred laughed.

However, Vega and Fred didn't stay in bed for a very long time – mainly because George came by and started to whine about getting started on the inventions because it was the first day that they had gotten free in a long time. Vega went to apologise to Mrs. Weasley and then joined Fred and George, helping them out with the Doxies and Wartcup.

Ron tried to come and spend time with them but quickly got 'bored' and left the room to go and annoy Hermione and Ginny, who were trying to clean Crookshanks (the Kneazle had chased a Doxy into the attic and gotten all sorts of cobwebs stuck in his fur).

And because of so much stuff was going on between the kids for being free to do whatever they want; Vega was suddenly in a very big demand. It almost caused an argument.

"Vega is helping us, you can have her later," Fred said disapprovingly when Hermione came around to ask Vega to help her give Crookshanks a shower.

"What if Crookshanks inhales the cobwebs?" Hermione responded. "He needs a bath immediately – I don't see what you guys are doing that is so important?"

For they had quickly hidden everything when the brunette had come because she was the most susceptible to ratting them out to Mrs. Weasley.

"Why does it matter if we're going something or not?" Fred asked. "Can't I spend time with my own girlfriend? You guys really don't leave us at peace – I can't even kiss her without you lot barging in,"

Hermione looked quite harassed and Vega finished the argument by agreeing that she will come down to help bathe Crookshanks. Fred was irritated but decided to come down to the bathroom where Crookshanks was to be washed. He was especially annoyed when Hermione was asked by Mrs. Weasley to come help her with lunch, along with Ginny.

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