⚡️ Chapter 79 ⚡️

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Vega was rather inconsolable when she woke up in the Hospital Wing later that evening, and could not bear to be around her friends as she tried to come in terms with all the revelations that had been given to her by Dumbledore earlier that day. And she knew that she was being deliberately knocked out when she was giving the sleeping potion.

When she woke up later that evening, Vega was quite aware that all of her friends knew what had happened in Dumbledore's office – or at least, it was only her closest friends who knew. It was not hard to know when she saw the way they looked at her now.

It was not her imagination that they were very concerned over the idea of one of their own friends being the child of one of the most heinous Dark Wizards to exist.

The first thing they told her was that – "It's okay, Vega,"

But Vega knew that it wasn't okay – it was easier to say when it wasn't oneself who was coming to terms with such a horrendous reality that now surrounded her.

Every time that she got a glimpse of her reflection, whether in mirrors or glass or the murky potions she was being fed, Vega felt sicker and sicker as she found similarities between herself and her parents from when they were the same age.

Would she become just like them?

This very reality had always been rumoured around in whispers in the Wizarding World that Vega grew up in – prompted by just how 'promiscuous' her mother was considered among the people, and just how much passionate she was to serve Britain's Dark Lord. But never had Vega expected them to be more than just that – rumours.

Finding out about being an Obscurial was far less a blow to Vega than her reality of her parentage, and she struggled to change her hair back to black after Sirius's death, and that was what the average person was told – she's just mourning.

Sunday rolled around and Vega was finally released from the Hospital Wing but was promptly brought back by her friends as they visited Ron and Hermione.

"How are you feeling?" Vega asked them as they were still admitted in the hospital. "How is your arm, Ron?"

"It's fine now!" Ron said, trying to smile at her as he held up his forearms that still had deep welts from when and where the brain's tentacles had wrapped around him.

Ron had taken it hard – but how often would you find out your friend was the child of your childhood bogeyman?

"He's a bit loopy from the potions, don't mind him, Vega," Hermione replied. "Did you get the Sunday Prophet? Thanks a lot!"

"Yes, here it is," Vega answered, holding it out to the brunette before taking a seat on the end of Hermione's bed where Ginny was quick to curl up next to her.

Ginny was doing fine now as her ankle had been mended in a trice by Madam Pomfrey and she was the most helpful to Vega even though the redhead had suffered personally from Voldemort, or maybe that gave her an idea of how to help Vega out.

Neville, whose nose had likewise been returned to its normal size and shape, was in a chair between Ron's and Hermione's beds, and Luna had dropped in to visit clutching the latest edition of The Quibbler, and she was soon too busy reading the magazine upside down to focus on what they were saying or doing or anything around her.

That was just like Luna, in Vega's opinion.
And it was nice like that.

Finishing off the seven of them was Harry, who had settled down on Ron's bed with the bag of sweets that Vega had gone off to smuggle from Honeydukes, citing that she was 'just going for a long walk on her own to calm her nerves down'.

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