⚡️ Chapter 48 ⚡️

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Vega was distracted through her thoughts as she helped Mrs. Weasley with the lunch, and knowing that she would have to wake up Fred as well, she opted to stay back and cook while Mrs. Weasley went off to wake all the children up for food. And she knew that Fred was aware of it when he came down with his siblings and Harry – for he looked directly in her eyes and she looked away to focus on the sandwiches she was making for them.

"Go and ahead, Vega, sit down and have some food," Mrs. Weasley said as she placed the large dish of sandwiches in the middle of the dining table just as there was noises upstairs. "Oh, looks like your trunks have come by – have lunch and then get dressed in Muggle clothing so we can go and visit your father at St. Mungo's,"

"I'll go help Sirius with them," Vega said quickly, wanting to get out of the kitchen and when she saw that Fred was about to reach for her hand, she pretended to be distracted as she brought it up to run through her hair and rush off to leave the kitchen.

There is no way I'm discussing anything in front of everyone.

Upstairs on the ground floor, Sirius was busy dragging in the trunks from the Muggle outside and unable to use magic. She reached to help him out and they brought the trunks up to the rooms. Vega took hers and Ginny's into their room while Sirius used magic to take up Harry, Ron, Fred and George's to their rooms.

But Vega had no plans of returning back down to the basement kitchen. She opened her trunk up to make sure that everything had been packed inside and pulled her wand out quickly, feeling relieved with it in her hands. She sat down on her bed heavily and caught sight of her Dream Diary. She picked it up and remembered she hadn't written the last two dreams in.

It was something so stupid – Vega didn't like the idea of making the Dream Diary for Divination but now it had become something that helped her sort her thoughts out instead. She had no desires of showing it to anyone anymore but it helped her.

18 December 1995
Dream 1

And by the time Vega had finished writing and stuffing the diary away into the corner of her trunk, Ginny entered the room and informed the older female that they were all going to visit St. Mungo's in a bit so she should also get changed into Muggle clothing.

"Tonks and Moody have arrived," Ginny told Vega as the ginger reached for her own trunk to look for her belongings, and Vega looked up.

"Is that so?" Vega asked, now in a rush to change out of her nightgown and into a plain pair of dark jeans and a similarly black hoodie. "I have to meet Dora –"

Everyone outside was riotously happy and talkative as they changed out of their robes into jeans and sweatshirts. Everyone but Vega and Harry. However, Vega was only interested in meeting her elder cousin, and was quick to throw her arms around her.

"Did you really miss me that much, Nova?" Dora joked as she wrapped her arms around the younger girl, who was hugging her tightly. "Let me breathe!"

"Sorry about that," Vega muttered, moving back from the hug and pretending to play with the hem of her hoodie. "Did you tell Aunt Dromeda that I'm here?"

"Oh, yeah, Mum was really worried about you," Dora replied. "Are you doing okay? Mum says you can come visit and stay at home if you would like that,"

There was no time for Vega to respond beyond nodding as the children came down the stairs, all ready to go, while Sirius, Moody and Mrs. Weasley came out of the kitchen. Vega felt renewed uncomfortableness with Moody after the nightmare last night but she stayed put and silent as everyone greeted each other.

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