⚡️ Chapter 5 ⚡️

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In the next few days, things remained very tense at the house. Sirius and Mrs. Weasley were the first to demand that Harry was brought to the 12 Grimmauld Place, and Dumbledore did agree with it. He, along with Sirius, had both sent letters to Harry to inform him to stay put. And Vega was certain that the Ministry of Magic had already sent him a letter – they wouldn't be as accepting of him using a spell to protect himself.

Dora let it out to Vega that there was an 'Advance Guard' formed for extracting Harry out of there, and it was supposed to include Dora, Lupin, Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Elphias Doge, Dedalus Diggle, Hestia Jones and Sturgis Podmore, most of whom were working undercover in the Ministry. Vega hesitated and then sought out Dumbledore the night before.

"Is it possible that I can come along?" Vega asked quietly, trying to keep her voice down from the other kids from listening. "Harry barely knows anyone in the Advance Guard..."

It was a very lame reasoning but Vega wanted to get out of the house and fly across the country to where Harry lived. Maybe she was a bit selfish but she felt like she could be of help to them, especially since she had also been chased by Dementors, and that along with Harry, she was the only person on their side who had seen Voldemort.

What would be on the morale of the Advance Guard
when they're fighting for something seemingly unseen?

And although she knew just how lame all of this was, she was quite surprised when Dumbledore thought over it and agreed to let her go – on the condition that she didn't use her wand out there, because it wouldn't be possible for them to represent them both at the court.

That told Vega that things had already turned bad.

"You're going, too?" Dora asked quietly as she separated Vega from everyone else that night after dinner. "Vega, I don't think you should go with us... what if you get hurt out there?" 

"Dumbledore's allowing me to go," Vega replied. "He said that he'll be our rear guard, didn't he? Nothing can happen to us... besides, don't you need my help with the Dursleys? Out of the lot of us, I can help you out just how to get them out of the house,"

"What, really?" Dora said, immediately distracted. "What is it?"

"We just need to send one letter," Vega told her.

By the following morning, Vega and Dora composed a letter to the Dursleys, informing them that they had been short-listed as contenders for an All-England Best-Kept Suburban Lawn Competition. Of course, there was no such competition but they needed Harry's uncle and aunt out of the house.

"Make sure to put it in the Muggle mail box, Dora," Vega told her older cousin. "Don't tie to an Owl – no, you don't have to do anything else. You just have to drop it into the mail box, I've covered everything else,"

When Fred found out about what Vega was up to, his expression was remarkably like his mother's.

"Why are you going, too?" Fred asked, his hands set on her shoulders as he looked down at her. "You don't have to go... what if you get hurt? If you're going, then I want to go, too,"

"You can't do that," Vega replied. "Listen, it's going to be alright – I've got so many people with me, and there's also going to be Dora and Dumbledore there,"

Finally, it was the day that they were going to set out to Harry's house. Vega took her broomstick and walked downstairs, wondering if she should get a new one this year. She could do well with this one, too, but then she remembered that she could go out shopping with Fred as others were busy and that would make her feel even better.

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