⚡️ Chapter 51 ⚡️

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Once they had had their Christmas lunch, the Weasleys and Vega, Harry and Hermione were planning to pay Mr. Weasley another visit, escorted by Mad-Eye and Lupin. Mundungus turned up in time for Christmas pudding and trifle, having managed to 'borrow' a car for the occasion, as the Underground did not run on Christmas Day.

The car, which Vega doubted very much had been taken with the knowledge or consent of its owner, had had a similar Enlarging Spell put upon it as the Weasleys' old Ford Anglia; although normally proportioned outside, eleven people with Mundungus driving were able to fit into it quite comfortably.

"I miss the old Ford Anglia," Vega muttered as she brushed the snow setting in her hair away, waiting for everyone to get inside. "It was the first car I drove..."

"According to Dad, you have to be 17 at the minimum to drive," Fred commented, and she raised her eyebrows at him. "Just thought I should mention that – I would gladly defy that,"

"They say you have to be extra careful with your life when you're in a relationship, you know?" Vega reminded him. "I won't forgive you if you're reckless,"

"I think I've heard Mum say something like that, too," Fred admitted. "On the mention of that," He turned to his mother. "Can we please hurry, Mum? It's cold!"

Mrs. Weasley hesitated at the point of getting inside; Vega knew that her disapproval of Mundungus was battling with her dislike of traveling without magic. However, finally, the cold outside and her children's pleading triumphed through, and she settled herself into the backseat between Fred and Bill with good grace.

Journey to St. Mungo's was quite quick, as there was very little traffic on the roads. A small trickle of witches and wizards were creeping furtively up the otherwise deserted street to visit the hospital. They got out of the car, and Mundungus drove off around the corner to wait for them; they strolled casually toward the window where the dummy in green nylon stood, then, one by one, stepped through the glass.

Vega felt a little of the residual worry from the last visit creep into her body as she stepped into the reception area, which looked pleasantly festive:

The crystal orbs that illuminated St. Mungo's had been turned to red and gold so that they became gigantic, glowing Christmas baubles; holly hung around every doorway, and shining white Christmas trees covered in magical snow and icicles glittered in every corner, each topped with a gleaming gold star.

It was less crowded than the last time they had been there, although halfway across the room Vega found herself shunted aside by a witch with a walnut jammed up her left nostril.

"Family argument, eh?" smirked the blonde witch behind the desk. "You're the third I've seen today... spell Damage, fourth floor..."

"I wouldn't want to be in that family," Vega muttered. "But then again, who am I to say? I'm related to the Black and Lestranges at the end of the day,"

They didn't have to linger in the line at the front desk for too long, and they found Mr. Weasley propped up in bed with the remains of his turkey dinner on a tray in his lap and a rather sheepish expression on his face.

"Everything all right, Arthur?" Mrs. Weasley asked, after they had all greeted Mr. Weasley and handed over their present.

"Fine, fine," Mr. Weasley answered, a little too heartily. Vega tried to smile at that. "You – er – haven't seen Healer Smethwyck, have you?"

"No," Mrs. Weasley said suspiciously. "Why?"

"Nothing, nothing," Mr. Weasley said airily, starting to unwrap his pile of gifts. "Well, everyone had a good day? What did you all get for Christmas? Oh, Harry – this is absolutely wonderful –"

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