⚡️ Chapter 33 ⚡️

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Vega woke up fairly uncomfortable the following morning and she tried to make sense of what to start with. She laid in her bed to think over everything that had happened the previous day – Umbridge's behaviour, Trelawney's 'prediction', Harry's outburst, her own breakdown, Angelina yelling at them, the detention, Hermione's suggestions...

It was something that Vega thought about as she laid in her bed, staring at the small shard of sunlight peeking through the crack in her bed's drapes. She was, admittedly, interested in the idea because it involved teaching and learning – and that was something that Vega enjoyed personally, and it was much needed in this school climate.

Let's take a walk and brew over it.

With her destination being the Owlery, Vega was not going to be stupid enough to run into Mrs. Norris again. She took as many shortcuts as she could to avoid that cat and her owner. And by the time she reached the Owlery, the sky was dark with the rain clouds. Vega sighed in disappointment as she opened the door and entered the tower.

There wasn't supposed to be anyone in there but as Vega walked up the stairs to her favourite window, she found none other than Fred standing nearby, tying something to the leg of a school owl. It seemed like he was sending off an order.

For a moment, Vega contemplated turning around and leaving quickly but stopped to turn and walk up to him. She couldn't see why she was avoiding him when he was her boyfriend – a person who had chosen to be in a relationship with her.

It was something deeper than friendships, too.

"Good morning," Vega greeted and she watched as Fred turned around, a smile already plastered across his lips. She felt herself smile, too, as she walked up to him.

"Good morning, love," Fred replied as the female reached the landing he was standing upon. "Did you just wake up? I was hoping to meet you here but I was starting to lose hope,"

"Sorry, I think I slept in," Vega answered but she didn't mention her nightmares. She pushed herself upward and pressed a quick, small kiss against his smiling lips before sitting down at the windowsill.

Fred finished with the list of orders that he had given the owl and it flew off before the rain could start. For a few moments, the two of them were quietly watching the grey clouds rumble outside until Fred sat down on the window to Vega's left.

"What are you thinking?" Fred asked, and Vega looked at him in surprise. "Are you doing okay?" He reached to stroke the back of her head gently. "Did you get a nightmare?"

"It wasn't anything special," Vega replied. She reached to hold his hand that was on her head with her own glove-clad hands. "But I was wondering if I could ask you about something...?"

"What is it?" Fred said.

"Right... uh, Ron got a letter a few days ago..." Vega spoke as she kept her eyes ahead on the ground. "And it was from Percy...." She looked toward Fred's face. "Fred... did Percy really object to your relationship with me before he left home?"

Again, there was a spot of silence.

"Yes," Fred replied. "The dingus wanted me to break up with you just because he can't keep a relationship whether it is with his family or elsewhere. Of course, he blamed accused you of being in line with Death Eaters and I wasn't having it,"

"Why didn't you tell me, Fred?" Vega asked, still watching his expression. "You should've mentioned it to me... I know you think that it will hurt me but –"

"It does hurt you," Fred interjected. "And you don't have to be ashamed of that – I don't understand why you must bring things upon yourself and deal on them on your own. I'm here... why don't you try sharing things with me?"

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