⚡️ Chapter 56 ⚡️

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With so much to worry about and so much to do – startling amounts of homework that frequently kept the fifth years working until past midnight, secret D.A. meetings as well as Quidditch practices – January seemed to be passing alarmingly fast. Vega could hardly imagine how she was dividing her time between all that and twelve classes.

Before Vega knew it, February had arrived, bringing with it wetter and warmer weather and the prospect of the second Hogsmeade visit of the year. She was going to have a busy day – checking in a quick Quidditch practise then off to Hogsmeade – first for the strange interview that Hermione had arranged and then meeting up with Fred.

It would make no sense for them not to spend the Fourteenth of February together, and Vega had eagerly accepted that they could go around and check out the fireworks that he had created and been wanting to show her for so long.

Angelina took some convincing but Vega managed to win her over that as long as she caught the Snitch quickly, she could go to Hogwarts as the Seeker didn't quite have to practise with the pair of Beaters or triad of Chasers with a Keeper.

"Alright, alright, you can go," Angelina gave in. "Just make sure you do well at practise – I want at least an hour of practise from you,"

Vega left the Quidditch Captain and headed toward where Hermione was sitting at the Gryffindor table where she assured the brunette that she will be there. Ron and Harry arrived at breakfast around the time for the arrival of the post owls and Vega was pleasantly surprised to see that Harry had dressed well for his first date with Cho.

"Good morning," Vega greeted them while Hermione busied herself tugging a letter from the beak of an unfamiliar brown owl as they sat down.

"And about time!" Hermione said eagerly. "If it hadn't come today..." She tore open the envelope and pulling out a small piece of parchment. Her eyes sped from left to right as she read through the message and a grimly pleased expression spread across her face.

"Here you go," Vega mumbled as she held a piece of bread to the owl and watched it fly off.

"Listen, Harry," Hermione spoke, looking toward him. "This is really important... do you think you could meet Vega and I in the Three Broomsticks around midday? She's going to finish with her practise early and join us,"

"Well... I dunno," Harry replied dubiously. "Cho might be expecting me to spend the whole day with her. We never said what we were going to do,"

"Well, bring her along if you must," Hermione said urgently. "But will you come?"

"Well... all right, but why?" Harry asked, looking at the two suspiciously.

"I haven't got time to tell you now," Hermione said. "I've got to answer this quickly –" And she hurried out of the Great Hall, the letter clutched in one hand and a piece of uneaten toast in the other.

"Are you coming?" Harry asked Ron, but he shook his head, looking glum.

"I can't come into Hogsmeade at all, Angelina wants a full day's training," Ron replied. "Like it's going to help – we're the worst team I've ever seen. You should see Sloper and Kirke, they're pathetic, even worse than I am." He heaved a great sigh. "I dunno why Angelina won't just let me resign..."

"It's because you're good when you're on form, that's why," Harry told him irritably, and Vega frowned at the way they were talking.

"I'm sure that we will do well against Hufflepuff at the upcoming match," Vega said, trying to cheer them up. "I will catch the Snitch as quickly as possible,"

But Ron seemed to have noticed Harry's tone, because he did not mention Quidditch again during breakfast, and there was a slight frostiness in the way they said good-bye to each other shortly afterward. Vega joined Ron as they departed for the Quidditch field, meeting up with Ginny, Andrew Kirke and Jack Sloper on the way.

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